my point on cancer, is that almost everyone has their heads right up their asses ignoring the huge elephant in the room: WTH are cancer rates soaring?
Not even accounting for aging population, better diagnostics, smoking and known environmental risks like asbestos, can the numbers be accounted for (and that has been shown by hard fact, not too long ago).
When folk, be they researchers or J. Q. public, raise the subject...the silence is deafening. Why?
Give an odd example I've raised before:
Frankly, no one (comparitively) gives a rat's ass that 40,000 Americans, 3,000 British folk..a
million world wide, each year are torn to pieces or burned to death on the roads.
And for everyone one killed there's a hell of a lot more left disabled, unable to work suffering,for life.
Terrorists,spree killers, drug addicts etc don't even come close to that death toll, but get huge attention...why?
Partially because folk are dumb enough to see this is "acceptable" losses, but largely because it threatens a vast financial/political web of interests so the road deaths are deliberately "glossed over"
There was a huge conspiracy betwen the auto manufacturers (and others) to not push for more safety features because that would up costs...that really happened with certian firms up to early 70s.
People who protested, investigated etc suchs areas routinely got screwed over, blackballed, spied on by private investigators, etc.
See how the tobacco companies worked.
Big Business, government and the whole rotten interconnected shebang, have learned from past expose's, and work to stymy things that cause trouble.
It's not about whether the "trouble" is true or not, merely that it causes change and upset to vast profit and power, and they won't allow such.
Alas, the medical area is deeply involved in this crap due to the pharma corps, and doesn't have to be fraud or corruption, often merely the way things get "pushed", who gets funding, and who doesn't etc.
They also use pundits and "anonymous sources" (today they cna use the net, such as by pundits as of old, or paying someone saps in a developing nation to spam emails to alter public opinion, or give weighted info to otherwise honest people who then disseminate it not realizing they've been used)
have folk never read up on "black propaganda", and how such has been run all the way back in history? See the War of 1812 and the "yellow press" and how things were manipulated even back then, or heck, all the way back to how Ceasar and his ilk played their public!
Mikovits, and others upset apple carts and so had to be shut up, and best way to do such is to make folk think they are con artists, because folk never forgive being lied to or used and despise such more than damn near anything else, hence when folk feel a person will con them, they will distrust 'em, even if later evidence vindicates them, the mud sticks.
If Jesus Christ was alive today, the Elite would have him painted as Al-Qeda's top baby killing psycho before the week is out, and "droned" or renditioned the week after!
It's the lesson of history, tech may change, but folk largely are still the damn same. What they cannot control or own, they will destory, subvert, corrupt or sabotage
If you want to make enemies, try to change something"
Not about whether they are right or wrong, merely the threat of change to vast power and profits.
There's no "New World Order" merely many powerful people, in many disparate groups, with agendas, and if say, one lowly pleb upsets their apple cart, suggestions are raised, lackeys informed, bribes tendered, fat pensions, hiring to new spot, or old favours brought up etc
It's not the "Iron fist in the velvet glove", no, just the "very big sponge in a flabby hand"
Please, there is no cover-up or conspiracy going on in this case. Stop connecting non-existent dots.
In retrospect, Coffin and many others actually deserve an apologize from the many people that tried to discredet his motives and attack his character. And while I really hate to say this because of the awareness she brought to ME/CFS research, Mikovits seems the one to blame here.
Did you watch the video of the CROI conferefence, hm?
Did you note how Stoye and others treated the subject and how many folk were excluded from invitation?
That is NOT the way "Science" is supposed to behave :/