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Cheney question


Senior Member
southeast US
When Dr. Paul Cheney called the CDC to report some new and strange disease at Incline Village he made a remark that's often been quoted. It had to do with the seriousness of the sitution. I can't remember it, or find it doing a search. Anyone recall reading exactly what this quote was?

Tony Mach

Show me the evidence.
Upper Palatinate, Bavaria
There is something in "Osler's Web", but I can't find a direct quote from Cheney like you describe.

First Peterson called Michael Ford, director of the Washoe County Health District (page 28 and following).

Then Peterson called Mary Guinan at the CDC, a friend of Peterson (page 31 and following).

Then Cheney talked a lot with Gary Holmes at the CDC (page 33 and following) and there are some quotes.

Try searching for "Holmes" at Amazon:


Senior Member
southeast US
Ian, it's the same Dr. Cheney who related to the world the illness you eventually got was a very serious and real disease when CDC and doctors everywhere phoo phoo'd it as all in your head. What he says about vit D for people with me/cfs resonates with my symtoms at the very least.


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
This the same Dr Cheney joker that says vitamin D is bad?

Regardless of any more recent comments by Prof/Dr Paul Cheney (and I'm not really familiar with his latest theories) my estimation of him skyrocketed when I recently read Osler's Web. So I endorse what Lou said that he played a massive part in meticulously researching and understanding M.E. against the most phenomenal opposition of the time.

He's an M.E. hero IMHO, along with a few others from that time, as well as more recent advocates from the medical profession who have since emerged on the world M.E stage! :D:D


Senior Member
Sydney Australia
I concur with the statements on Dr. Paul Cheney.

He has a brilliant mind (watch the DVDs) and he was among the first to stand up for us.
The movement we have today is built on that initial stand by Drs Cheney and Peterson, at Incline village aginst bureaucratic medical stupidity.

Tony Mach

Show me the evidence.
Upper Palatinate, Bavaria
Dr. Cheney sure knows how the disease looks like and he always saw it as "one entity", a disease and not a "bag of symptoms" and "false illness believes" that alone already sets him apart from 90% of doctors. And he never shied away from speaking openly, which should be highly commended.

But the problem I see with him (and I could be wrong) is that he finds something in one patient or two and then goes around acting like THIS freshly found tidbit is true for all ME/CFS patients. And he worked with others, but seems to work alone now, just like so many researchers in this field ended up That is never good.

(VitD didn't do me good and that is a fact. Regardless of the fact that it helps other people with ME/CFS we are NOT all the same and until we find the cause(s) of this disease and all confounding variables, that is the way things are)


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Don't want to take the thread off topic, but it's interesting what you say about Vitamin D. Mine was (or still is, i don't know) quite low, but i didn't know about it for a long time. It's no wonder, i don't stay in the direct sunlight much, because i don't feel good if i do that. It's rather surprising doctors don't check your Vitamin D if they know you stay indoors a lot. For whatever reason i felt a bit more energy with the low Vitamin D, i think. But i also always had that feeling like i was using up my resources in some way. Like i need less sleep and have more energy, but i'm using up my substance. Maybe i was feeling this in some way. Either way, when i read what it says on the lab report about low Vitamin D, i don't think i would take the risk to live with a low level. It can lead to all sorts of bad things and so i, personally, would not experiment with that. But i don't know Dr. Cheney's theory and also i have no medical education.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
I don't think that Cheney works alone; at least a while back it was reported that he met with others, including Rich van Konynenburg, to discuss ME news and findings; and I know of two doctors now working in Vancouver who have worked with him. I believe too that he is in touch with the WPI. He may have his odd side, but I am another who regards him as a very smart and dedicated doctor who has been doing his best to figure out and find remedies for this disease--and he has been doing it for a very long time. Chris