Chemical Sensitivity?


Senior Member
My M.E doctor also believes this. He told me my immune system was disarranged due to infections (chronic bacterial in my case) and that this in turn led to my immune system over reacting ro everything - I particularly have probelsm with smells but also medications and this has been getting worse.

yes, from what I have been learning, some of the pathogens are so structurally similar to human myelin-and the fact that they are intracellular means your immune system is basically attacking your whole body making you very ill...chronically.


Senior Member
NAC-600mg/2x a day can help a lot with chemical sensitivities. also liposomal vitamin c. I use liposomal (non-soy) curcumin/resveratrol for the inflammation and it is the best i've found. magnesium can also help you deal with it a little easier by calming your nerves.
Kaneohe, HI
My vitamin and mineral supplements currently include about 3mg of NAC. I was looking into it more and it looks like it has a lot of benefits to many of my symptoms; however, it says do not take if you have asthma on one of the sites. Any change you know why? It appears to help with COPD, and bronchitis, so it seems strange asthmatics shouldn't use it.


Senior Member
Molybdenum is helping me alot with CS. I have discovered that i have a low level of molybdenum, a major detoxification element. Also, Molybdenum breaks down the toxic waste products of the candida and helps you with Sulphur Sensitivities.
But be aware when you start supplementing with Molybdenum, it depletes the body of copper and can worsen gout symptoms.


Senior Member
It has 600mg of NAC. Can anyone with more experience tell me if this would be more beneficial or harmful?
I take 1800mg of NAC per day, to help with sleep and avoiding the "wired" sensation during the day. I've been on it for at least a couple years with no side effects.

PS - I just checked the ingredients. I tried Creatine once, and had a bad swelling reaction to it. This happens to some people, though I have no idea why - creatine is in normal foods that I eat.


Senior Member
My M.E doctor also believes this. He told me my immune system was disarranged due to infections (chronic bacterial in my case) and that this in turn led to my immune system over reacting ro everything - I particularly have probelsm with smells but also medications and this has been getting worse.
My ME doctor is telling me something similar: a disarranged immune system (for whatever reasons -- chronic infections infections, a hit-and-run infection) tends to over-react to everything.

FWIW, a number of years ago my MCS-type symptoms were bad enough it was hard for me to go out in public. I tried the Pall Protocol for CFS, and found it cleared up my obvious MCS-type symptoms and some of my cognitive symptoms. Not what I was expecting, but welcome. Since it can act as a methylation protocol, that might fit with @Martial's suggestion above.

Since it's an OTC supplement protocol, it's something one can try without the support of a GP which is sometimes the only option many of us have.

If you want to look at it, you can find all the supplements for sale here. These are the ones Prof Pall helped develop. You can also buy these specific supplements elsewhere. Or, you can read the theory and put together your own separate supplement collection to work with Prof Pall's theory. I can't find the website at the moment o_O, but you could search Tenth Paradigm, or Martin Pall.

ETA: The Pall Protocol includes 600 mg NAC.

I was diagnosed by GPs with asthma based on symptoms. It wasn't until many years later that a pulmonologist actually tested me and told me I definitely don't have asthma. The symptoms were clearly due to something else -- hypersensitivity perhaps? Anyway, you may be in a similar situation.
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I was diagnosed by GPs with asthma based on symptoms. It wasn't until many years later that a pulmonologist actually tested me and told me I definitely don't have asthma. The symptoms were clearly due to something else -- hypersensitivity perhaps? Anyway, you may be in a similar situation.

This is exactly what my pulmonologist is saying at the moment - I have been dealing with asthma and lung infections for years, but now he sees it doesn't look like asthma at all - although unfortunately he now says it is in my head because I have 'cfs'.

Since being on double ddose antihistamines and zantac everyday my sinus issues are greatly improved and my breathing is better - I am no longer finding cooking smells difficult and even read a brand new newspaper sitting in the garden. Will look at the Pall Protocol, thatnks SOC - perhaps I will run it by KDM when I see him next week.


Senior Member
This looks like it might be interesting. On next week on BBC Radio 4
Every day we're exposed to a multitude of man-made chemicals in the food we eat, the air we breathe and the products we clean our homes and wash our bodies with. For some people, like journalist Jane Little,the burden can be almost too much to bear. Certain chemicals trigger extreme physical reactions, leaving her ill and exhausted for days at a time. It's a debilitating condition for her and many thousands of fellow sufferers. Some estimates suggest that 15% of the American population believe they experience ill effects from domestic chemicals.

The trouble is that most members of the medical establishment in the US and the UK refuse to accept that Multiple Chemical Sensitivity is a disease. It's not a straightforward allergy and there's no diagnostic test or clearly defined treatment programme. So what is Jane actually suffering from? To find out she takes a global road trip from the foothills of Cumbria to the deserts of Arizona.

Jane suffered her first extreme attack on her family farm in Cumbria. Exposed, alongside her father, to the cocktail of disinfectants used during the Foot and Mouth outbreak of 2001 she believes this could be the source of her condition. In Texas she meets clinicians who say that they can explain MCS with a new theory of disease whilst in Arizona she drops in on a community that's retreated completely from a chemically-based society. Living in self-built homes stripped of plastics and petro-chemicals they discourage visitors tainted by perfumes, deodorants and detergents.
I haven't heard it, so don't blame me if it's rubbish!


Certified in Environmental Medicine, ATSDR
MCS goes by many names.
Toxic Induced Loss of Tolerance (TILT) Claudia Miller
Chemical Injury Grace Ziem, MD
Toxic Injury, nomenclature put forth by The MCS Beacon of Hope Foundation, taken up by researchers, lawyers and Governors as an accurate description,,,,

Basically too many dietary and environmental toxins can overload anyones immune system. Each person's capacity depends on their genetic make up and their exposure history. Once you reach that point, disease breaks out. The manifestation of the disease depends on your genetic makeup and your exposure history.

"All chronic diseases are caused or exacerbated by dietary and environmental toxins." Russel Blaylock, MD , The Health Case For Reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act.


Senior Member
Has anyone got any tests for environmental toxins like plastics, pestacides , other chemicals?

Or know if there are any treatments that really work?

I've heard of FIR saunas, vitamin c, ozone therapy but do they work.

Just starting to scratch the surface but there are tests out there, myhill mentions some. Both her and Cheney have found that CFS ERS tend to have a prob with the SOD detox pathway


Senior Member
I'm really not sure what it could be, I tried to get my workplace to test the air quality and all they did was a walk through and say everything 'looked' fine. I have dust mite and grass allergies, and the carpets are probably 10 years old, and the air filtration system looks like crap. The facility manager claimed the dry mold shouldn't be harmful, but I'm reluctant to believe that. I'm looking into getting a HEPA air filter for my desk. I would say these symptoms seem more noticeable in the mornings.

I have read that MCS can make any existing allergies more worse. And that's also happening to me; my dust mite allergy became much more worse since MCS is there.
So that carpet could not be your friend anymore... ;-)