I've experienced significant improvements over the past few months and I think I'm about 70% recovered. Note that prior to that I had treatment for Lyme disease, mainly oral antibiotics which helped but only in part.
I have financial constraints and this is certainly a problem with CFS. So I had to focus on a few things I could afford which I'd like to share for others' benefit.
1. Kill the parasites
I tried the Klinghardt protocol and it worked miracles.
As far as I'm concerned, the guy is absolutely right, parasites are bigger than any bacteria or virus and auto-urine therapy really helped.
I travelled a lot around the world and this may have caused me to pick up things. However, my partner who didn't travel at all, doesn't have CFS but had early signs of arthritis and cognitive issues, tried it and resolved her problems.
Note that a few years ago I had a stool test and no parasites or other nasties were found.
2. Kill the yeast
I thought I never had a problem with this but the following helped
- fresh garlic juice: 1/4 tsp of fresh garlic juice mixed with lots of tomato juice twice a day
- own MAF brew : make yoghurt from raw milk, add colostrum, leave it for a day, add raw milk kefir.
3. Enzyme-rich diet (see Annesse Brokley's book)
Raw sauerkraut is immense.
I have financial constraints and this is certainly a problem with CFS. So I had to focus on a few things I could afford which I'd like to share for others' benefit.
1. Kill the parasites
I tried the Klinghardt protocol and it worked miracles.
As far as I'm concerned, the guy is absolutely right, parasites are bigger than any bacteria or virus and auto-urine therapy really helped.
I travelled a lot around the world and this may have caused me to pick up things. However, my partner who didn't travel at all, doesn't have CFS but had early signs of arthritis and cognitive issues, tried it and resolved her problems.
Note that a few years ago I had a stool test and no parasites or other nasties were found.
2. Kill the yeast
I thought I never had a problem with this but the following helped
- fresh garlic juice: 1/4 tsp of fresh garlic juice mixed with lots of tomato juice twice a day
- own MAF brew : make yoghurt from raw milk, add colostrum, leave it for a day, add raw milk kefir.
3. Enzyme-rich diet (see Annesse Brokley's book)
Raw sauerkraut is immense.