chat rooms?

The Phantom

near Philadelphia
Thanks, guys! Someone gave me the name of a Dr. here... Dr. Kline? In FL, but her clinic is extremely expensive.

Does anyone know if insurance will cover all these tests? I need to find a new GP, since I moved from Tampa to St. Petersburg. I have an appointment with a Dr. today, so I am going to ask for a GP in this area I can go to.

Thank you for the list as well.

This may be a dumb question, but since so many people are stating XMRV is like aids... does this mean it is a different form of it?

I am sorry I ask so much, but this is the first place i've been able to go to that people answer my questions :)

You've probably been given Dr. Nancy Klimas' name. She's in Miami, which I think is a ways from you and I think she has a 2 year waiting list, but it's worth getting on it. You might be able to see her sooner. As for insurance, it depends on what insurance you have. Usually if a doctor orders a test insurance will pay for it, but there are some tests that aren't accepted by the general medical community that they won't pay for. So it depends on the test and the insurance company.

XMRV is a retrovirus, like HIV which causes AIDS. However, XMRV is a simpler virus than HIV. XMRV is not a different form of HIV and ME/CFS is not a different form of AIDS. There is a lecture by Nancy Klimas on the homepage of this website that you can read or watch to learn more about XMRV.

The Phantom

near Philadelphia
On a side note - my boyfriend can create a chat for vbulletin (this forum)... he programs on the side. It costs $5.00, but I can pay it.

Anyone think they might be interest (don't to overstep any boundaries since i am new though).

You could click on Cort's name (he has a post earlier on this thread) and send a private message to him. He originated this website and he might be interested in talking to your boyfriend. He may not be following this thread right now because he's busy.

Hysterical Woman

Senior Member
East Coast
Chat Room?

Hi Everyone,

Having a chat room in these forums would be awesome - a great way to do some quick communication with people who are on line.

However, I am concerned about the exchange of information in chats rather than posting to the forum. There are so many people on this list who are intelligent, do a lot of research, and are willing to share that research with us all. I hope the chat rooms wouldn't impact that!

Take care,



Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
for and against chat rooms

Totally agree , time differences thru- out the world too make it not as easy for some of us...also it is difficult with fatigue to be that full on but still dont want to miss out of great stuff.


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
I like to do both Chat and the MB. It's hard to go in-depth in Chat so I don't think you'll miss anything when it opens. To me Chat is like small talk and the MB is deep and informative talk.


teekjay - I completely agree with you. I like them separate as well, for the reasons you specified.

I figure if Cort see's the thread and is interested, he will message me. I just don't want to seem like I am pushing the issue, since I am new here and don't want to possibly offend anyone.


XMRV is a retrovirus, like HIV which causes AIDS. However, XMRV is a simpler virus than HIV. XMRV is not a different form of HIV and ME/CFS is not a different form of AIDS. There is a lecture by Nancy Klimas on the homepage of this website that you can read or watch to learn more about XMRV.

Thanks. I get it now. XMRV operates in a similar fashion, but it's not HIV/AIDs :)