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charlie rose episode NINE


In episode nine of "the brain series" one of amazing things they talked about was stress and toxins could alter genetic information in people creatin disease states. I find it fasicnating, beucase it sounds alot like what XMRV does to people. ALter the genetic information in people and creating disease.


Senior Member
Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Thanks for posting this Mark.

One very interesting bit from that piece was the chart showing the "Highly Expressed Genes" in the brain, kidneys, spleen and pancreas (in descending order). I've never thought of it in that way before, but it is food for thought and would certainly tie into ME/CFS I'd think.

I was surprised by how non-holistic the presentation was... that the entire panel of experts spoke only about drugs, therapy and ECT, without questioning vitamin deficiencies, HPA problems and other things that I've heard are becoming fairly mainstream when considering depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. The mental health system is having many of the same challenges as we are in getting any coverage for effective therapies due to stigma and the AMA and insurance companies separating mind/body.

Cool stuff.
Thanks for posting this Mark.

One very interesting bit from that piece was the chart showing the "Highly Expressed Genes" in the brain, kidneys, spleen and pancreas (in descending order). I've never thought of it in that way before, but it is food for thought and would certainly tie into ME/CFS I'd think.

I was surprised by how non-holistic the presentation was... that the entire panel of experts spoke only about drugs, therapy and ECT, without questioning vitamin deficiencies, HPA problems and other things that I've heard are becoming fairly mainstream when considering depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. The mental health system is having many of the same challenges as we are in getting any coverage for effective therapies due to stigma and the AMA and insurance companies separating mind/body.

Cool stuff.

Cool. glad you liked it.