CFS wins suit over school attendance: Good news story


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
Capo Settles Special Education Suit for $130,000

A high schooler diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome and his parent sued the Capistrano Unified School District over disagreements about when he should return to campus.

By Jenna Chandler

The Capistrano Unified School District is paying out $130,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by a student who was forced to attend school despite a debilitating condition.

The 17-year-old suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome to the point that it affects his strength and alertness. He had been provided at-home instruction before the district "unilaterally" decided he should return to campus, according to court documents.

The district's Board of Trustees voted 6-0 last week to settle the lawsuit. The money is to go into an educational trust for the student to use through May 31, 2016.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
This highlights the need for educational materials to better inform schools about pediatric ME/CFS, as well as the ongoing problem of physician ignorance. It's good that the student won in this case, though. Such a shame that he and his family had to go through this, as though they didn't have enough problems.
"A consulting doctor recommended he begin attending class five days a week, so long as a cot was provided in the nurse's office and that he be allowed to go to class in his pajamas and be escorted by campus security to the nurse's office."
And how was wearing pajamas supposed to help his medical problems? I can only think this was intended to humiliate the student.

I'll be glad when the group that wrote the ICC complete their clinical guidelines. Then perhaps we can begin the long process of getting them adopted, and eventually perhaps this kind of thing can be avoided.


Senior Member
There was already an "I'm tired too, give ME money" comment, so I responded with an explanation of what it's really like.

Reactions to these articles (CFS + costs to government services) are so predictable and annoying, but at least they provide an opportunity to educate the people reading them.