I am not sinking in desperation, even in times like this I get extremely sad but it passes after a few hours.I am proactive and don't tend to surrender.As you said, it's not that I am obsessively dealing with this ,it's the CFS that deals with me on a daily basis that causes me to react in any way I do.
No CFS speciallists in Greece sadly, but a few doctors I've been have some experience with this, they agree it's quite possible but at this point I need some proof.The criteria that differentiate depression from CFS are all for CFS.The criteria for OCD are not met in my situation but I have no issue testing this hypothesis with psychoterapy and drugs.I think they give some specific SSRI's for the OCD.My only problem with SSRIs is the possibility of permanent reduction of male hormones and sexual disorder.I think fluoxetine and fluvoxamine have less risk for that.
I will get to an appointment with my last psychiatrist with my parents.He is good but I think he doesn't want to deal with difficult cases, he is a bit old and prefers to have it easy.He had insisted that I should chase a diagnosis, a way to prove or disprove CFS.He said he will look into it, I sent him the 2-day CPET test but he never looked at it, I believe for the reason I said above.
He also said he sees nothing psychiatric and that psychotherapy doesn't seem to suit me as a personality and also it will likely not help.I would probably spend 2 years and money for nothing, his words.
I've sent some emails to various CFS organizations (that happened when we had our last big fight some months ago) and most of them responded, they gave me diagnostic criteria and criteria that differentiate CFS from psychiatric disorders.I will bring them to the appointment.
2-day CPET is expensive but it's my only solution, unless someone here knows of any other way.The other problem is that I have to find a doctor that orders this test, that knows the protocol and that the results confirm PEM and CFS and that may not be easy.