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Cfs story on abc 24- Aussie TV


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
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Senior Member
I was quite shocked at the way this lady was walking. I have not seen this level of severity before.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I was quite shocked at the way this lady was walking. I have not seen this level of severity before.

I havent seen it but I can get a lot of trouble walking at times with the ME, I dont think this is at all uncommon in ME. When my neurological symptoms are having a big flare Ive been like a MS patient with my walking.. eg foot drag (and my whole leg will drag behind me)

I can also have great trouble coordinating my legs to walk (which usually when I'll like that will end up making me fall over), when Im like that I often cant even walk with two people holding me either side.

I really hope one day I can get someone to film me during some bad crashes (while Im still able to walk, at times I cant even sit). I think the reality of severe ME needs to be out there far more, its rarely seen and it needs to be.

I can also get spasticity during a bad crash. I'll see if I can borrow a video camera and get someone to film my next major crash episode. It would be very shocking, it would probably distress me watching it back.
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But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Wow, I have never seen anyone like this. Usually you see people collapsed in a bed unable to move. I'm really curious as to what is going on with her neurologically that is affecting her walking so severely.

One thing I noticed is the narrator has referred to the disease as "chronic fatigue" throughout and not CFS. That bothers me in an otherwise good piece.
The lady "Amity" has ME/CFS and lyme disease. This walking style is indicative of late stage neurological lyme disease. She chose to focus on the CFS/ME aspect of her illness to help gain more public awareness of ME. I'm part of a lyme group in Australia and Amity spoke openly about the need for more recognition of ME. It seems a little misleading by not mentioning the lyme, but if it brings more ME publicity then it achieved its purpose. It was a brave move by Amity :)


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I think it's more than a little misleading. All they needed was a disclaimer saying she also had Lyme's. By not telling it leaves her open to criticism from those who already think we are faking it.


Contaminated Cell Line 'RustyJ'
Mackay, Aust
The lady "Amity" has ME/CFS and lyme disease. This walking style is indicative of late stage neurological lyme disease. She chose to focus on the CFS/ME aspect of her illness to help gain more public awareness of ME. I'm part of a lyme group in Australia and Amity spoke openly about the need for more recognition of ME. It seems a little misleading by not mentioning the lyme, but if it brings more ME publicity then it achieved its purpose. It was a brave move by Amity :)

Well that clears that up. If that is the case, then I applaud her efforts. This is one of the most sympathetic news items I have seen on a major network. I came away with a deep sense that her illness was very serious. The idea that there was fakery involved did not enter my head.

My earlier disquiet was that I thought she might have received a misdiagnosis and may have needed to get a further opinion - this is a common issue with the me/cfs diagnosis.


Senior Member
The lady "Amity" has ME/CFS and lyme disease. This walking style is indicative of late stage neurological lyme disease. She chose to focus on the CFS/ME aspect of her illness to help gain more public awareness of ME. I'm part of a lyme group in Australia and Amity spoke openly about the need for more recognition of ME. It seems a little misleading by not mentioning the lyme, but if it brings more ME publicity then it achieved its purpose. It was a brave move by Amity :)

Thanks for explaining. I thought there had to be more to it. Although in saying that - ME can throw up the unexpected but I had just not seen that kind of severity before.
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