CFS ME FM and Flu Shot

Little Bluestem

All Good Things Must Come to an End
I did not know that I had CFS for years. I did know that my ongoing health problems were the aftermath of a horrific case of the flu. I was determined not to get the flu again and began taking flu shots at that time. My reaction is very predictable. Twenty-four hours after getting the shot, I get a reaction that lasts twenty-four hours.

I have not had one the last few years partly from reading that some people thought it was a bad idea for those with compromised immune systems and partly because I now live in a rural area where it take more time and effort to get one. I am also leading a lifestyle (semi-hermit) that is less likely to expose me to the flu.


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Despite having a lung condition that makes pneumonia a likely complication of any virus, i dont have the flu shots offered. I'm way too scared of any effects they may have - i have a large lymph node on the back of my neck that has been like that for 3 years, which to me screams immune activation - i dont want to add other stresses on top. I have had Flu, since being ill and its no fun at all - but with herbs and vitamnis etc to boost me i get through. Havent had a really bad flu in a couple of years though, and i dont really know if my decision is sensible or not, especially as my husband works in 3 different schools and my children go to different schools - i am exposed to 5 school environments, even though i hardly ever leave the house!

It's a difficult decision.


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as Dr. Lapp's link mentioned, there is some doubt as to whether we actually are able to develop immunity from vaccinations, with our weak immune systems.

Mark me down as someone who typically gets a long-term setback from a vaccine, especially if I happen to catch a cold or whatever afterwards, which I typically do.

Thankfully I do have a doc who has offered me flu medicine instead of flu shot. However last time I think I had the flu I just thought it was an ME flare (until it was almost over) and I didn't call him. :b


Senior Member
Vic, AU
I recall reading that vitamin D potentially provides 2-3 times more protection than a flu shot, how reliable that is who knows but during winter I would not hesitate to be taking 3,000-4,000iu a day, especially in a working environment. Coming out of my winter here, taking 2,000-3,000 a day myself in a house with people who have all had the flu and no problems, my father has had it three times over the last 6 months.

With a suspect immune system I will not come within 1000 miles of a vaccine, even if the chances of complication are extremely minimal after 12 years of this hell it is not worth any risk IMO.

GG also mentioned IV vitamin C if you do get signs of having the flu, see here about making liposomal vitamin C which is suppose to be equivalent to using IV,


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
My D3 was just increased to 10,000 per day (becuase after taking 5000/day for a year my number was just hitting the low range). So I dont think that is going to help much since it appears I do not absorb vit D very well. I really dont want the flu shot but I am tired of catching every bug and there appear to be a lot going around. Already flu, pneumonia, colds are making the rounds at work (seems a bit early for all this stuff). I just really tired of feeling ill and dont want to add flu symps to my list.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My D3 was just increased to 10,000 per day (becuase after taking 5000/day for a year my number was just hitting the low range). So I dont think that is going to help much since it appears I do not absorb vit D very well. I really dont want the flu shot but I am tired of catching every bug and there appear to be a lot going around. Already flu, pneumonia, colds are making the rounds at work (seems a bit early for all this stuff). I just really tired of feeling ill and dont want to add flu symps to my list.

Hi Roxie,

Are you checking both Vit D 25 and Vid D 1,25? In CFS is is not uncommon to be low in Vit D 25 (the one they usually test) and high in Vit D 1,25, which not many doctors know to test. The balance between the two is important.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
What happens if you take D3 when your D 25 is low and your D 1,25 is high?

It is possible that your D 1,25 will rise even more. This is NOT something you want, so if you are having problems with Vit D, it is good to test both forms. D 1,25 can rise in tandem with calcium.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
I dont get flu shots. In the past on testing after another vaccination.. it was found I hadnt formed antibodies so wasnt protected. I had again and the same thing happened.. still no antibodies. So I figure it isnt worth having esp when they also risk bad reactions too. Im fortunate that I dont tend to get flus or colds much at all anyway (cant remember when I last had flu).

Fortunately I havent ever had a bad reaction to a vaccination. My nanna, I used to see her always come down with the flu after vaccination .. so it never made sense to me that she'd have these year after year.

I think whether one should have one or not all depends on the individual... those who are flu prone.. maybe some of those would be better off having (that is if they respond positively to vaccines). I'd say avoid if you have ME/CFS and dont seem to have issues with the flu anyway or if you've had one and have got a bad reaction before.


Senior Member
Definitely an individual decision, in my case started by years of teaching and getting it not only for myself but for some of the students who had health conditions.

When I was pregnant back in the dark ages, I didn't realize I hadn't had the kind of measles that can cause birth defects. Since I was teaching, I could have been exposed since, if I remember correctly, it was right when the vaccines were offered. I did get the shot after having my daughter and broke out in a rash two weeks later. That is the only reaction I have ever had to a shot, knock on wood.

Last year I caught some kind of virus and I was so sick it left me in a severe flare. So I can imagine how I would have felt if I had caught the flu.

But I think the odds are favored in getting the shot. Sometimes reactions can happen whether we have me/cfs/fm or not.

It's kind of a catch 22.

Barb C.:>)


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Tomorrow is D-day (decision day). I'm leaning to getting one and hoping for the best. I'm fearful just because I have felt so bad the past month or more and I hate to make a decision that could make me feel worse but I agree if I get the flu on top of CFS/FM it would b soooo much worse.


Senior Member
Vaccines are cocktails of dangerous chemicals. Depending on how sensitive you are to them, it's probably not worth taking a flu-shot.

Being injected with a vaccine caused surrounding skin to inflame severely, as well as increased dizziness, headache etc. every time.


Senior Member
A thought --
by the time I was getting flu shots regularly I was past the reacting to everything, "hyper-immune" stage of ME/CFS. If you are already over-revved (MCS-type rxns, lots of allergies) then a vaccine, especially if it has an adjuvent, might aggravate hyper-immune symptoms.

For me, it came down to an exposure issue. My daughter was in college living at home, my husband travels a lot, and I was tutoring. I was exposed, one way or another, to everything that went around and invariably caught it all. The flu shot did help me avoid the flu, which was a big plus.

If I did not have the degree of exposure, or if I was in the hyper-immune stage when I was reacting to every little thing, I probably wouldn't get the flu shot. However, at this point in time it's been beneficial to me to get the vaccine. Of course, that's not the case with all PWME. Everyone has to evaluate their own situation and make the best decision they can for their own situation. :)


Senior Member
Central Illinois, USA
Got the flu shot yesterday afternoon. So far no additional symps beyond typical CFS/FM symps other than right arm was sore when shot received for about 24hrs. But tonight that is also abating.