CFS/ME Doctors in Toronto, Ontario?


Senior Member
Toronto, Canada
Daroo and charlie1, I am smacking myself on the forehead for not having mentioned this before. I've been very brain-fogged. My apologies.

I have had migraine pain on the left side of my head and straight down the side of my body every day--you read that right--since 1980. On the worst days, my left side is not just in pain but almost paralyzed. I believe this is part of my slow-onset ME/CFS. At any rate, the migraines continued when I developed other symptoms and was diagnosed in 2000 (by Dr. Anita Raklis at Sunnybrook Hospital). I still have the migraine pain today, as well as fibro. I see Dr. Alan Gordon, head of the pain clinic at Mt. Sinai Hospital. At one time he studied ME/CFS, not as a researcher, but simply to make some informed conclusion for Mt. Sinai about whether it was real or not. (His conclusion: real.) He assumes, as do I, that my migraines and fibro are related to ME/CFS, and he is trying me on a series of meds to get rid of them. None of them have worked and many of them are traditional (shaky) solutions like Cymbalta. But he does know the illness is real, listens with empathy, and is on my side.

The disadvantage in seeing Dr. Gordon is that it takes work and patience to get on his patient list at all. The pain clinic sends you an enormous "form" (pages long) to fill out, and it includes a short essay. That takes work, but it's also a godsend, as checking boxes and multiple-choice questions doesn't really fit our illness well.

After you've submitted, you can wait over six months to get a call from the clinic. Then, if you become a patient of Dr. Gordon, you get an appt. once every six weeks at most, and when I turn up for the appointment, he is always running about three hours late. For me, sitting in a metal chair that holds me perfectly upright beside a sunny window with venetian blinds splitting up the light for three hours is absolute hell.

Back to the good stuff: He isn't up to date on ME/CFS breaking developments, but he is a walking encyclopedia of meds that do help a few of us, and he is sure not to dismiss you as a hypochondriac or fantasist. With me, he moved beyond meds to have some MRIs and EKGs taken. (Not that they helped, but again, he's trying.) He will commit himself to helping your pain. If it matters, he knows that marijuana helps many patients.

To fill out the pain clinic form, call Mt. Sinai at 416-596-4200 and ask for the Wasser Pain Clinic. You may find yourself speaking to Enza or another medical secretary. Ask to apply to be seen by the clinic. Your husband might also mention the specific nature of his pain, and that he has ME/CFS.


Rebel without a biscuit
Lisa, as Kati said, if you haven't already, your best bet is to call the MEAO (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Association of Ontario). Their info line is [In Toronto, 416.222.8820; Toll-free across Ontario 1.877.632.6682].

My husband has emailed and even been to the MEAO office in Don Mills on my behalf for just such information.
They've got nothing to offer.

My suggestion would be to not refer to ME but get a specialist referral to rule out other conditions like MS etc. and if appropriate diagnosis of any co conditions like fibromyalgia which at least some Drs in Toronto will recognise and treat.

My Bad: responding to an old post. :confused:
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Senior Member
To fill out the pain clinic form, call Mt. Sinai at 416-596-4200 and ask for the Wasser Pain Clinic
Thank you for your reply apologizes necessary!. One of my biggest issues is Brain Fog so I understand. Also lack of energy and severe body weakness with PEM are my other challenging issues but pain is not at the top of the list (although I do deal with it, especially migraines). I don't think Dr. Gordon would be a good fit for me although perhaps someone else on this thread will benefit. Thanks :)

For those of you looking to 'rule out' other disease/disorder possibilities, I've heard that Dr. Hyde in Ottawa is good for that. He is very knowledgeable in CFS/SEIDS but does NOT actually dx it nor does he treat it. He just wants to be sure that people who think they have CFS aren't actually suffering from an disorder that might already have good and documented available treatments/cures.


Senior Member
Thanks for the reply I won ODSP too thankfully... Theres not much treatment options .. There adr angela lee ND for lyme in richmond hill. Other then that not sure.. Dr bested not around anymore so.. Might have to go see KDM for treatment