CFS like symptoms for 2 months. Tested positive for Mycoplasma IGM

Hey guys, I made a post about my CFS onset after exercising a week after recovering from an infection (well it's suspected to be mycoplasma pn):
where I got (still have) CFS symptoms, after exercising a week after a flu like infection. Well, I went to a naturopath and did blood tests, and they found I was Mycoplasma IGM positive. Apparently, this indicates an active infection for mycoplasma.

They put me on antibiotics: azithromycin 500mg daily for a week. Finished that and not much difference. I came across the works of Dr Garth Nicolson who says a subset of CFS/ME can come from a chronic mycoplasma infection.

In particular, one theory I have is that the exercise weakened the BBB, causing mycoplasma to infect the brain and CNS. This explains the brainfog and nerve pains. Now I am wondering if anyone has experience with a positive Mycoplasma IGM test, and if so, how effective was long term antibiotic use in treating your CFS?

I am thinking if maybe for patients who had onset from mycoplasma, antibiotic use might have made them better.

Note: I would say I am mild. I can still walk around and work full time, but the brainfog and fatigue is heavily interfering with my work and I am struggling, and after work I have no energy left to socialize. I also have muscle weakness and nerve pains. The pain is 'fixed' by LDN.


Senior Member
My CFS was triggered 11-12 years ago by Mycoplasma Pneumoniae which also activaed dormant Epstein-Barr virus. I had many antibiotic courses which made the problem worse and ruined my gut. I'm not saying you shouldn't consider long-term antiobiotic therapy but it may not help and there may be consequences.

There are also other options like natural antibiotics and rife therapy to attack just the pathogen.

If you decide to take the antibiotics, at least make sure to take a strong probiotic with it and/or consume sauerkraut and other probiotic foods.
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