CFS doctor : Dr. Bested - How was your appointment with her?

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
I would love to see Dr. Nancy Klimas, but since I live in Canada, I thought I could see a doctor who is closer to me: Dr. Bested.

Anyone has seen her? Is it possible to see her? Does she take new patients?

I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you have. =-)


Senior Member
i dont think she has taken new patients for a looooooong time. if you are in toronto, please private message me and perhaps i can help.



Senior Member
This is my first post so exuse any mistakes I might make...not really sure how to do this.

Although Dr. Bested is no longer taking new patients at her practice there is a way to see her. You can get an appointment at The Women's College Hospital Environmental Health Clinic. Here is the website: . Dr.Bested sees ME/CFS patients here on Wednesdays ( I think). Your GP has to send a referral in to the clinic and they will then send you an in-depth pre-visit questionnaire to fill out. Once the clinic has this and all lab results etc from your GP they will call you for an appointment. I think the wait is currently about 6 months for the first visit. At this clinic you will be seen three times over the course of 6 months or so. The first visit is about 3 hours and the 2 follow-ups shorter. After 3 visits your care unfortunately goes back to your own family doctor but at least you will have a diagnosis , recomendations , and the best part: recognition by a doctor of your illness.

I had been off sick from work for 2 years before I finally found out about Dr. Bested. It was fantastic to finally talk to someone who understood this illness and recognized my myriad of symptoms as being caused by ME/CFS. I live in Ottawa (4 hours drive from Toronto) and had no luck finding ANYONE who knew about or believed in the illness. I used to work in a hospital laboratory (now on LTD but my job has been held so far) and know many doctors but have been embarassed to tell anyone what I have since many think it means you are a nutcase, a malingerer, etc. The few doctor friends that I have talked to believe in it (or so they say) but admit they know nothing about it (and these are infectious disease docs!). I've been wanting to ask them what they think about XMRV but have not got up the courage yet....I'm afraid they will not believe in it even if more positive studies come out. I know how they feel about Lyme and needless to say I am not impressed! Even though we are in Canada they seem to be ardent followers of the CDC.

Anyway....back to Dr.Bested. I really hope you can see her. She is a very compassionate and knowledgeable doctor and I highly recommend seeing her.

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
This is my first post so exuse any mistakes I might make...not really sure how to do this.

Although Dr. Bested is no longer taking new patients at her practice there is a way to see her. You can get an appointment at The Women's College Hospital Environmental Health Clinic. Here is the website: . Dr.Bested sees ME/CFS patients here on Wednesdays ( I think). Your GP has to send a referral in to the clinic and they will then send you an in-depth pre-visit questionnaire to fill out. Once the clinic has this and all lab results etc from your GP they will call you for an appointment. I think the wait is currently about 6 months for the first visit. At this clinic you will be seen three times over the course of 6 months or so. The first visit is about 3 hours and the 2 follow-ups shorter. After 3 visits your care unfortunately goes back to your own family doctor but at least you will have a diagnosis , recomendations , and the best part: recognition by a doctor of your illness.

I had been off sick from work for 2 years before I finally found out about Dr. Bested. It was fantastic to finally talk to someone who understood this illness and recognized my myriad of symptoms as being caused by ME/CFS. I live in Ottawa (4 hours drive from Toronto) and had no luck finding ANYONE who knew about or believed in the illness. I used to work in a hospital laboratory (now on LTD but my job has been held so far) and know many doctors but have been embarassed to tell anyone what I have since many think it means you are a nutcase, a malingerer, etc. The few doctor friends that I have talked to believe in it (or so they say) but admit they know nothing about it (and these are infectious disease docs!). I've been wanting to ask them what they think about XMRV but have not got up the courage yet....I'm afraid they will not believe in it even if more positive studies come out. I know how they feel about Lyme and needless to say I am not impressed! Even though we are in Canada they seem to be ardent followers of the CDC.

Anyway....back to Dr.Bested. I really hope you can see her. She is a very compassionate and knowledgeable doctor and I highly recommend seeing her.

I'm glad to see that she is very compassionate. I think you have to be if you have patients who are suffering from CFS. I could get a referral from my doctor, for sure. I don't mind the six month wait.

We have two things in common. We both live in Ottawa. We both worked in a lab. At some point, I was working with albino mice. I don't know if it played a bit in my health condition, and I'll never know. I can understand why you did not want to tell anyone.

Thank you for this info and the link.

By the way, great FIRST post! You did well!
Keep writing! =-)