CDC whistleblower on MMR fraud reveals his identity


Senior Member
I found a new channel on my T.V. last night - (UK) - Channel 85 RT. And around 11.15pm 11.30 there was a report on the damage caused by Vaccinations.

If anyone knows how to find it in case it is repeated, its worth a watch. I wondered if it aired because of all this??

It was very good, the bit I saw. Had in it, Dwight Lindholm, Gabi Swank, Diane Harper, Barbara Loe Fisher, Lawrence Palensky.

The Gardasil controversy and heavy marketing. The Hep C shots given to babies etc. And the Doctors who started to wake up and question.

And also mentioned the Dr. Shaw study on injectable Aluminium in mice.

Autism is only one side effect of vaccines. There is also the suggestion that they set the scene for creating Parkinsons, Motor Neurone Disease, Altzeimers etc. much much later down the line.

With the VAERS scheme only being Voluntary and Doctors unwilling to attribute damage caused to vaccines then it is widely acknowledged that side effects are grossly under reported.

It pointed out for some reason Vaccines have been held seperately from other drugs which is illogical. There is no scientific evidence to show they are safe.

Effectiveness has been tampered with in the data too.

On a simplistic level, do I think its a good idea to inject these poisonous ingredients into a baby? No.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Here's Mike Adams' update, Aug 25. Sounds like some of you might know the players mentioned in the article.

...The mainstream media is pulling out all the stops to try to memory hole this breaking news story. When a citizen journalist posted the facts of the story to a CNN iReport page, CNN quickly removed it to prevent the public from learning the truth about this extraordinary moment in medical history.

The story has now been reposted at another CNN iReport page which will no doubt be censored and removed by CNN very quickly as well. But here's the screen shot of what this page showed at the time of this writing:


Senior Member
This is very interesting. Clearly, a conscious decision has been made throughout the media not to cover this story. Something as thorough as this doesn't happen independently; this would have to come from orders from the top, i.e., the government. The justification? National security.

Consider the following scenario: The CDC sees that it's been cornered, and the story is about to break everywhere. What are the consequences? Distrust in vaccines has been steadily growing for years; evidence that the CDC has lied about their safety would push things over the edge. All the science concerning vaccines, valid or not, would be called into question by everyone. There are plenty of true stories about vaccine problems; these would gain more weight, while questionable stories would tend to be regarded with less skepticism. Once the CDC is caught lying about one vaccine, the dam breaks. Large enough numbers of people will stop having their children vaccinated that the herd immunity will break down; epidemics will be able to spread even with large parts of the population inoculated, especially since no vaccine is 100% protective.

The biggest problem isn't with the MMR vaccine; I grew up when these diseases were common, and they were just accepted as part of childhood. The 1 in 10,000 mortality rate meant that these diseases were rarely regarded as fatal.

No, the big problem is with other vaccines, where the mortality rate is much higher - typhoid, typhus, tetanus, whooping cough. As has been seen many times, all it takes is one person on a plane from an infected country to re-introduce a formerly vanquished disease.

And then there's polio. The polio vaccine has a checkered history that's well documented, along with some speculative material about its role in other illnesses. Again, if even a large minority of people stopped getting their children inoculated for polio, deadly polio epidemics could sweep the country again.

This is what the CDC fears. So they go to the White House, tell the President, and urge him to impose a news blackout on this story, and in the mean time, they'll fix their vaccine(s). The President, who doesn't want to preside over the beginning of deadly epidemics crossing the country, agrees. So "national security" becomes a reasonable explanation for the news blackout. The media go along with it because the argument seems convincing to them.

This is just a theory; it could be totally off base. But it does seem to fit the facts we've seen so far.
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Senior Member
Dublin, Ireland
@zzz I suspect you are probably correct. Im not an anti vaccine person. I believe they have contributed greatly to the reduction and eradication of diseases but I also am not foolish enough to think that they dont have consequences, especially for certain people.

The problem here is that once you are caught out on one big lie, then the house of cards comes tumbling down very quick.

Interestingly CBS Atlanta have it on their website (someone posted the link on FB). Not being from the USA I dont know the significance, if any. It will be interesting to see if it gets taken down.


Senior Member
Dallas, TX

I'm sorry but Wakefield is an absolute disgrace, and this fear mongering video is only confirming of that. He pulls out the most insane analogy saying that Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin were better than the CDC. The man is desperate and this is nothing less than a political mudslinging battle that could have serious consequences (return of easily preventable fatal diseases).


Senior Member

I'm sorry but Wakefield is an absolute disgrace, and this fear mongering video is only confirming of that. He pulls out the most insane analogy saying that Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin were better than the CDC. The man is desperate and this is nothing less than a political mudslinging battle that could have serious consequences (return of easily preventable fatal diseases).

CDC has issued a statement. They are not denying their own whistleblower allegations.

Lets not use character assassination and fear mongering to divert from the real issue here, ie that the government agency obsured and manipulated their own data.
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Senior Member
“…it’s the lowest point in my career, that I went along with that paper.” — CDC Whistleblower William Thompson, PhD


Senior Member
This is very interesting. Clearly, a conscious decision has been made throughout the media not to cover this story. Something as thorough as this doesn't happen independently; this would have to come from orders from the top, i.e., the government. The justification? National security.

Consider the following scenario: The CDC sees that it's been cornered, and the story is about to break everywhere. What are the consequences? Distrust in vaccines has been steadily growing for years; evidence that the CDC has lied about their safety would push things over the edge. All the science concerning vaccines, valid or not, would be called into question by everyone. There are plenty of true stories about vaccine problems; these would gain more weight, while questionable stories would tend to be regarded with less skepticism. Once the CDC is caught lying about one vaccine, the dam breaks. Large enough numbers of people will stop having their children vaccinated that the herd immunity will break down; epidemics will be able to spread even with large parts of the population inoculated, especially since no vaccine is 100% protective.

The biggest problem isn't with the MMR vaccine; I grew up when these diseases were common, and they were just accepted as part of childhood. The 1 in 10,000 mortality rate meant that these diseases were rarely regarded as fatal.

No, the big problem is with other vaccines, where the mortality rate is much higher - typhoid, typhus, tetanus, whooping cough. As has been seen many times, all it takes is one person on a plane from an infected country to re-introduce a formerly vanquished disease.

And then there's polio. The polio vaccine has a checkered history that's well documented, along with some speculative material about its role in other illnesses. Again, if even a large minority of people stopped getting their children inoculated for polio, deadly polio epidemics could sweep the country again.

This is what the CDC fears. So they go to the White House, tell the President, and urge him to impose a news blackout on this story, and in the mean time, they'll fix their vaccine(s). The President, who doesn't want to preside over the beginning of deadly epidemics crossing the country, agrees. So "national security" becomes a reasonable explanation for the news blackout. The media go along with it because the argument seems convincing to them.

This is just a theory; it could be totally off base. But it does seem to fit the facts we've seen so far.

Its a chilling media silence. :)

Just providing an Or theory here,

Or, people will do their own research and scrutinise the issues causing the Vaccine Paradigm to crack and crumble!


Senior Member
CDC has issued a statement. They are not denying their own whistleblower allegations.

In my reading of the statement, it appears that in fact they are denying them, though they don't refer to them directly. No wrongdoing or mistakes of any sort are admitted. And the last comment on the study is the following:
Additional studies and a more recent rigorous review by the Institute of Medicine have found that MMR vaccine does not increase the risk of autism.

Period, end of story. The CDC has got their version of the story out, which both absolves them of all wrongdoing and denies any problems with any vaccines. Meanwhile, the news embargo of this story ensures that this is the only version that most people will see. (The Atlanta CBS story was probably the decision of that outlet's manager not to go along with the embargo. Maybe he was just too close to the CDC to stomach it.)

There will be no investigation. There is now nothing to investigate. The CDC will just keep on keeping on, at least for now.
Or, people will do their own research and scrutinise the issues causing the Vaccine Paradigm to crack and crumble!

Perhaps. But the CDC's display of its power to control the American media and make its version of history official certainly seems to postpone any day of reckoning. Imagine how things would have progressed differently if the entire news media had reported on this story the way the Atlanta CBS outlet did.
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Senior Member
It's unclear to me why this would negate all the many studies carried out by various independent researchers in various countries that have shown no association between MMR vaccines and autism.

It doesn't automatically negate them, but it certainly raises some very serious questions.

Reason being that most (not all) of the 'other studies' that are waved around as evidence of no link were conducted either by these same authors themselves, or by others that were directly linked to or paid by the CDC, at the time that same top-end people were running the same CDC departments that were involved in this current fraud story.

The largest ever study that provided 'evidence of no link' was done in Denmark but commissioned/paid for by the CDC, by the same people that cooked this very data.


Senior Member
It's unclear to me why this would negate all the many studies carried out by various independent researchers in various countries that have shown no association between MMR vaccines and autism.
Has much research been done regarding the vaccination in African populations in Africa, or in ethnic African populations outside of Africa? The problem (if there is one) might be due to a combination of factors ... such as genetic difficulty in detoxing toxins not present in undeveloped areas + exposure to those toxins in low-income urban areas + exposure to the vaccine.


Senior Member
The question should be -- has there actually been fraud? It raises some serious questions about the study in question. Obviously, one has to answer the question of how the study was flawed and how (if it was) the data was manipulated. Other than that, there are huge number of studies that show no link and suggest other connections. What the anti-vaccine groups are doing are using this as proof positive that there is a link but are again ignoring everything else. These kind of conspiracy theories do absolutely nothing to further research.

I think many are forgetting that Wakefield's original study involved 12 children which is not statistically significant to represent anything. He also suggested in a press conference in 1998 that it would be prudent of parents to have their children vaccinated with single vaccines rather than all at once. Didn't he have a patent or something on single vaccines? Years have gone by, the connection between vaccines and autism has never been substantiated, yet the argument still goes on and years of research have been wasted on this connection. It's really sad.


Senior Member
The question should be -- has there actually been fraud? It raises some serious questions about the study in question.

Yes, according to the author of the study, who stated that the data has been manipulated to change the outcome.

"... there are huge number of studies that show no link and suggest other connections." Actually that number is not 'huge' at all, and very many of those studies were done or commissioned by the same people who manipulated the data in this original study. Secondly, the 'huge number' is even smaller when you exclude studies that were paid for manufacturers or conducted by people with strong links to manufacturers, ie who had strong conflict of interest.

So that 'huge number' is dramatically reduced (as to be insignificant) when you exclude all studies conducted or commissioned either by the CDC or by vaccine manufacturers themselves.


Senior Member
Yes, according to the author of the study, who stated that the data has been manipulated to change the outcome.

"... there are huge number of studies that show no link and suggest other connections." Actually that number is not 'huge' at all, and very many of those studies were done or commissioned by the same people who manipulated the data in this original study. Secondly, the 'huge number' is even smaller when you exclude studies that were paid for manufacturers or conducted by people with strong links to manufacturers, ie who had strong conflict of interest.

So that 'huge number' is dramatically reduced (as to be insignificant) when you exclude all studies conducted or commissioned either by the CDC or by vaccine manufacturers themselves.

Well we can go back and forth on this all day. The connection has not been proven and independent research supports that. What needs to be done now is for the whistle-blower to show exactly how the data was manipulated and for the CDC to answer. All the speculation and innuendo around this is useless. It's such a waste.