CD4\CD8 Ratio :(


Senior Member
So I got my results back from the UK Immunologist, and I have a CD4 count of 490 and a ratio of 0.44 to my CD8 cells.

I am pleased that they were happy to test such things, but I am really sad now that as a 26 year old, previously very sporty, I have a CD4 count that an HIV patient wouldn't be over the moon about. I appreciate that there will be people on here who have CD4 down in the 200s but as a 6ft, 13stone lad, to think that my body is failing me in that manner is really hard to bear. I hope Dr Kogelnik can offer some assistance later in the month. I have just started on LDN and my joints feel that little bit better, but I am just wondering whether it'll boost other cells counts?

Apologies for the rant, love to all.


Senior Member
Hi Scavo86,

I also have below normal CD4 and CD8 counts, increased ratios and I've had ME for 20yrs. Despite the low counts I was able to recover up to 80% 12yrs ago until I took immune modulators which caused a relapse. My point is that to not get discouraged about your test results, it is NOT an indication that you will not improve and remain sick. You are young and have a higher chance of improvement.

Also, I have a friend with allergies (no CFS or ME) and her CD counts are lower than yours. She has symptoms but is very functional in life. There is sooo much more to our illness than CD counts which just shows a weaken immune system.


Senior Member
I wouldn't worry about the low CD4+ count before you've seen Dr K. You can have a low CD4+ count after you've had an infection, in which case it might normalize on it's own. Or Dr K might be able to treat an infection that might be contributing to the low CD4+ count.

Did your UK immunologist have any suggestions as to what you might do about a low CD4 count?


Senior Member
Thanks for the comments, it's great to get some perspective on matters. Sadly the immunologist didn't offer too much advice aside from keep on with the B12 injections. I have just this week started on LDN and whilst I have only begun at 1mg, I am starting to get some annoying fluey symptoms, I hope this isn't the immune modulator that you took Mij, how did you manage to get back to 80% by the way?

I know for a fact that I have a parasitic infection but am unsure about treating it as a result of not wanting to regress any further in my condition. In any case, I can't imagine that the parasites would be causative of my M.E.

It's great to hear from you two though who can impart some experience and calmness on me, I thank you for that.


Senior Member
Scavo86, The virologist I saw didn't make much from my CD counts either. I asked if he could put me on Imunovir since he did a small study with Dr. Byron Hyde so that's why I took it.

I took LDN but it put me in an aggitated bad mood and affected my sleep negatively so I discontinued. I know it helps some with pain, I do not have pain.

I got to feeling 80% by doing nothing.

I hope Dr.K can help you too. Good luck!