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CBS: Sulfur Detox Symptoms?

I am heterozygous for both CBS C699T and CBS A360A, and, with good reason, postulate I am dealing with excess sulfur. For those of you who have dealt with excessive sulfur and facilitated its removal with molybdenum, what type of detox reactions, if any, did you have?

I used to be able to take 1mg 2x a day of molybdenum, but after a very strange reaction to some herbs, I can't even tolerate 250mcg of molybdenum. I also think that even though I was taking molybdenum for the CBS mutation, the amount of sulfur I was taking in was greater than my body's ability to remove it.

My doctor wants to halt all of my Lyme treatment and focus on stabilizing myself with the molybdenum. I've been breaking up a 1000mcg capsule of molybdenum, but even a small amount of that has caused a very strange reaction.

What I think to be sulfur detox symptoms include a slight fatigue and just an overall weird, lethargic, and sluggish head. I've even had subtle headaches, but they last less than a minute and are infrequent. The reaction lasts just about 6 hours and I've reproduced this a few times.

Just last night I took a very small, arbitrary amount of the 1000mcg capsule of molybdenum and had the reaction I described above. The following day, I awoke with the usual sense of "doom and gloom" and panic, which I attribute to the excess sulfur (cortisol response).

As the day went on, my energy levels increased and remained stable. The physical distress in my head appeared to lift and I just feel overall better and in a good mood.

Anyways, if anyone can provide some personal accounts and experience of what it was like for you to detox excess sulfur, I'd really appreciate it!


Senior Member
I am heterozygous for both CBS C699T and CBS A360A, and, with good reason, postulate I am dealing with excess sulfur

You may be dealing with excess sulfur but it has nothing to do with those SNPs. This and subsequent posts in the thread may be helpful in understanding that the claims about these SNPs are baseless.
Thanks for that information, alicec! I am familiar with the controversy surrounding Dr. Yasko's work and claims on the CBS gene. I've also heard the alternative coming from Dr. Any Cutler.

Having said that, what is then causing everyone to have all this excess sulfur and/or feel bad from eating sulfur foods, with the only explanations being either Dr. Yasko's work or Dr. Cutler's reasoning?

Regardless of what is causing the excess sulfur, the original question I had was identifying detox symptoms a person may experience when removing the excess sulfur. I'm trying to find relation from others with symptoms I suspect to be from sulfur detoxification.


Senior Member
what is then causing everyone to have all this excess sulfur and/or feel bad from eating sulfur foods, with the only explanations being either Dr. Yasko's work or Dr. Cutler's reasoning

There could be a number of reasons. Yasko's claims have no basis, Cutler tells an interesting story but it is a bit self-fulfilling and not confirmed by any independent research that I have been able to find.

As far as I recall, though it is not something I have looked at for a long time, problems with sulfur are often related to problems with phenol-sulfur transferase. Salicylate sensitivity is a related condition.

I can't help you with your symptoms - it is not something I have had to deal with.
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