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CBD, cannabinoids and ME/CFS


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Hi Consuegra
I used CBD for 2 months in vape form in order to possibly address inflammation and sleep disorder in ME. There were no harmful effects but it was difficult to judge if there were beneficial effects (I was/am taking up to 20 tablets/supplements a day).

Just a warning to those thinking of dipping a toe-there are lots of people after a quick buck selling products which are advertised as CBD but are not. A company producing CBD should have a certificate of purity ie. the product should have been analysed in a lab using chromatography. Check out forums/clean reviews before spending $.

The link below will show you a certificate, it does not reflect an endorsement of the product-I haven't tried it.


What's a forum then?
I'm looking into doing THC pills for sleep. THC has helped over prescription sleeping pills
Yeh difficult one. CBD use was (to my surprise) legalized this year in the UK. THC use is still illegal. I have read evidence (clears throat) that the combinatory effect may be stronger.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
Yeh difficult one. CBD use was (to my surprise) legalized this year in the UK. THC use is still illegal. I have read evidence (clears throat) that the combinatory effect may be stronger.:rolleyes:
Ooh nice. I'm in NYC and its decriminalized here but there are no good shops that sell good stuff.


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Senior Member
@perchance dreamer about your IBS, I've had to deal with that nightmare twice and got over it each time with experimentation using gut directed supplements, took a long time though, lots of experiments, and I'm sure some luck

this is a link to a post I wrote about what ended up helping me to get free of IBS http://forums.phoenixrising.me/inde...r-months-long-constipation.48913/#post-867115

Hope you get past that, the constant pain I had to go through with IBS might well have been worse than the CFS
Best of luck


Senior Member
Didn't mention it yesterday cause I wasn't sure but I've been testing out CBD and have so far had great results. Tested it out two days ago and quickly started feeling a slight bit good which kept getting better, that goodness seemed to reach a plateu a few hours in. Yesterday I still felt good on waking and all throughout the day so because of that I didn't take any doses yesterday. Today I woke up feeling rather average so I took some and again started feeling it slightly at first and here a few hours in feel great. I'm taking a nanoparticle version, don't know if that matters, two squirts of the stuff under the tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing for sublingual absorption. It is stuff my doc recommended to me, rather expensive though at $150 a bottle