Cancer count: Have you had/do you have cancer and what type?
I know this is a terrible question to ask but, I am rather curious what types of cancers we CFIDS/ME people are getting. I am now facing down my possible first-round of cancer and am curious what others have or have had.
My husband's friend, who has had CFIDS for 20 years and is now about 55 years old, has had two bouts of Lympho Leukemia.His liver is also badly damaged (they don't know why, he's not a drinker, etc) and now he is again dealing with the Leukemia. I have read that his type of cancer is not unusual in CFIDS/ME, in fact, more commonly seen in CFIDS/ME than in the normal population.
I have a theory that CFIDS/ME peope start getting cancers around the 15 year mark of illness onset. Only my own odd theory but I wonder if the numbers lay down along that line. I know my immune system was super UP-regulated for several years and then it burned itself out and now I get sick from a small trip to the supermakret. I get horrible skin infections - with surgery for hang nails, cat scratches, etc- and have a strong feeling that without that immune system my time for cancer has come. So I will see very soon in the next two weeks IF I start on the Cancer road due to CFIDS and my now loss of immune system.
Anyway - Comments on cancer and types of cancer that CFIDS/ME people have had or have please? Thanks.
I once posted a thread on this:
The paper in the thread says that CFS patients get Lymphoma type cancers and Non Hodgkins Lymphoma more often, if I understand correct.
FWIW I have had CFS 22 year. I never got cancer or heart problems. It takes more time I guess.