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Catherine Hale - "The politics of stigma with ME/CFS"


Senior Member
Great blogpost from Catherine Hale, taking in PACE, stigma and access to care and treatment.
There is a reason people with ME struggle to access their entitlements which is unique to this contested illness and its embattled history. You could call it “stigma”; but it’s unlike the stigma of HIV or mental illness...The peculiar stigma of ME/CFS is this: we have been branded not credible witnesses to our own condition.

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Senior Member
It's a brilliant and moving article that perfectly encapsulates the unique cruelty that people with ME have had to endure in a world that has been repeatedly persuaded of their unworthiness. And it puts to utter shame the people who have been responsible for doing the persuading.
Thank you. I normally research and write in the field of welfare benefits for sick and disabled people and social care in the UK, so this is a bit of a departure for me. But my hope is to bring awareness of this injustice to the community of disability activists in the UK. I find many parallels between our story and the struggle by the disabled people's movement for the right to independent living, for example.


Senior Member
@JenB -- great post to highlight in ME Action re: stigma & strategy and PACE criticism.

Edit: Jen, you are quoted near the end of her article, too. And a link to your website.
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