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Castor oil packs helping a lot


Senior Member
Hey all I just wanted to share about castor oil packs because they have helped me so much in my recovery and are cheap and easy to do. I heard about them a long time ago but dismissed them as sounding too old fashioned and low tech but I'm so glad that I tried them! They are great for detoxing the liver and supporting immune function as well as reducing inflammation. They are VERY relaxing and help relieve pain. I once had very bad kidney pain from herxing too much after taking some aggressive Lyme formulas and the only thing that helped was castor oil packs on the kidney area. I was amazed at how quickly they helped. You can buy the castor oil at any health food store on Amazon and you can use an old cotton T shirt or buy cotton flannels clothes that are sold specifically for castor oil packs. You can re-use the castor oil soaked cloth many times so it's very inexpensive. I keep mine in a glass jar when I'm not using it. Here is a great link on how to do a castor oil pack:http://wellnessmama.com/35671/castor-oil-packs/


Senior Member
@chilove: thanks for that link...the kit looks very interesting. I've wanted to use castor oil packs regularly since last year, but the biggest problem is that I can't seem to keep it from getting on stuff I don't want it to get on. Do you have that wrap-around pack that comes in the kit she recommends at your link? If so, how is it? Is it hard to keep clean?


Senior Member
@chilove: thanks for that link...the kit looks very interesting. I've wanted to use castor oil packs regularly since last year, but the biggest problem is that I can't seem to keep it from getting on stuff I don't want it to get on. Do you have that wrap-around pack that comes in the kit she recommends at your link? If so, how is it? Is it hard to keep clean?

No, I just use plastic wrap and an old towel. I put a thick layer of oil on my skin over the liver area, then apply the oil soaked cloth, then cover the cloth with plastic wrap, then cover that with a heating pad, then cover the heating pad with a towel. I put two old towels underneath me in case any drips out. You could also cut open a large trash bag and lay on that just in case.
Happy to hear this. I bought some castor oil today. I am going to drink it however as i tend to have some IBS-C