Case report: Individualized pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in a Long COVID patient using the Adaptive Force as biomarker (Schaefer et al, 2023)


The increasing prevalence of Long COVID is an imminent public health disaster, and established approaches have not provided adequate diagnostics or treatments. Recently, anesthetic blockade of the stellate ganglion was reported to improve Long COVID symptoms in a small case series, purportedly by “rebooting” the autonomic nervous system. Here, we present a novel diagnostic approach based on the Adaptive Force (AF), and report sustained positive outcome for one severely affected Long COVID patient using individualized pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) at the area C7/T1. AF reflects the capacity of the neuromuscular system to adapt adequately to external forces in an isometric holding manner. In case, maximal isometric AF (AFisomax) is exceeded, the muscle merges into eccentric muscle action. Thereby, the force usually increases further until maximal AF (AFmax) is reached. In case adaptation is optimal, AFisomax is ~99–100% of AFmax. This holding capacity (AFisomax) was found to be vulnerable to disruption by unpleasant stimulus and, hence, was regarded as functional parameter. AF was assessed by an objectified manual muscle test using a handheld device. Prior to treatment, AFisomax was considerably lower than AFmax for hip flexors (62 N = ~28% AFmax) and elbow flexors (71 N = ~44% AFmax); i.e., maximal holding capacity was significantly reduced, indicating dysfunctional motor control. We tested PEMF at C7/T1, identified a frequency that improved neuromuscular function, and applied it for ~15 min. Immediately post-treatment, AFisomax increased to ~210 N (~100% AFmax) at hip and 184 N (~100% AFmax) at elbow. Subjective Long COVID symptoms resolved the following day. At 4 weeks post-treatment, maximal holding capacity was still on a similarly high level as for immediately post-treatment (~100% AFmax) and patient was symptom-free. At 6 months the patient's Long COVID symptoms have not returned. This case report suggests (1) AF could be a promising diagnostic for post-infectious illness, (2) AF can be used to test effective treatments for post-infectious illness, and (3) individualized PEMF may resolve post-infectious symptoms.


Senior Member
At 6 months the patient's Long COVID symptoms have not returned.

Suggested help for patients with ME/CFS?
"Six month post-infection 57% of COVID-19 survivors show one or more sequelae, after 1 year still half of them present at least one symptom (1, 2), regardless of infection severity (3). Long COVID shows similarities to myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) (49), which is known since decades and can arise after viral infections..."
Could AF be a tool for people with PPS?
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Texas Hill Country
Suggested help for patients with ME/CFS?
This looks rather amazing - I had trouble reading the abstract because it seems to be so, well, abstract! (;)) actually quite technical, but apparently one treatment of PEMF was sufficient to relieve long-covid symptoms for at least 6 month, which symptoms sounded very much like ME/CFS - could it be a treatment for ME/CFS? Unfortunately the study authors are in Germany but we have several members from Germany here - perhaps one or or more could be guinea pigs?

ETA: I just scanned the abstract one more time, and this time my brain didn't shut down and I think I got a glimpse of what the treatment was - it sounds actually rather simple and yet stunningly effective . . . I would do it in a heartbeat if it were available here!
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I actually have a PEMF device. I purchased it about 10 years ago when I was having issues with a repeated rupture to a lumbar disc, probably as a consequence of gymnastics in my youth and joint hypermobility. I was unable to go to work, taking over the recommended dose of ibuprofen and tramadol and had just made an appointment to try prolotherapy injections when I came across a PEMF device called the Soma Pulse (now evolved into ICES machine) and decided to give it a try.

From the moment I put it on, I did not have to take another pain killer. I wore it continuously for 3 weeks, except while showering and had complete resolution. The back pain came back last April (after 9.5 years) and I was again able to resolve it with PEMF.

Since the original PEMF device, we have purchased three additional and have used them for various purposes over the years. The device we purchased was developed by a NASA scientist and based off of his work there. PEMF is my go-to when there is a need for regeneration and healing. I also find it mentally stimulating, but sometimes too much so, and it doesn't provide a natural feeling mental state, so I don't use it that way. There is actually a substantial body of research on the ways PEMFs influence physiology.

Anyhow, I have not found it to be helpful for my overall ME/CFS, but PEMF has lots of different strengths and settings, so perhaps one of them would be useful. One of the PEMF devices has settings to mimic the hertz of the different brain waves and has a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) setting to mimic the studies done one TMS and depression. Overall, I have found these uses to be overstimulating, but that is just me.

Over the years we have lent our PEMF devices to friends for various musculoskeletal complaints with results from "meh" to boarding on miraculous. I once tried it on my shoulder when I had a bone spur and it made it worse, which isn't surprising since it stimulates osteoblasts. It also made my husbands IBS worse, for unknown reasons.


@Consul Unfortunately, my devices don't have a setting to match the frequency used in the study. Also, it sounds like they individualized the patient's frequency based on muscle testing with some scientific device, so not sure that person's frequency would work for another. Nonetheless, I am still going to try an application to C7/T1 with as close as I can get to what was used.