Carnivore Diet recovery success stories on YouTube

Listen to Dr. David Unwin on YouTube. He's a UK doctor with a 50% success rate at putting T2D into remission.

They didn't say what Ian's LDL s were.?

And I thought Hb1ac was a measure of the AGE's ie. Advanced Glycation Endproducts - [ok - snipped]

A few people bought Roy Taylors book only to find that the "plan" in the centre of the book consisted only of drinking powdered protein drinks.

Can I ask how old you are @GreenEdge . Thanks.

(I'm 60)

Rob (NZ)
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Senior Member
Brisbane, Australia
They didn't say what Ian's LDL s were.?
Let me explain what LDL is: Cholesterol and triglycerides are insoluble in water and therefore these lipids must be transported in association with proteins. VLDL (very low density lipo-protein) shrinks and becomes IDL (intermediate density lipo-protein) that shrinks and becomes LDL (low density lipo-protein) as it delivers it's cargo of cholesterol and triglycerides.

The problem is not LDL, but glycated LDL often referred to as small, dense LDL (sdLDL).

High LDL can mean:
  1. a buildup of sdLDL particles - due to damaged LDL no longer being recognized by the liver and recycled back into VLDL particles (subclass pattern B (below)).
  2. or good health because high LDL is also associated with longevity (subclass Pattern A (below)).
This makes LDL on its own, is an unreliable marker of cardio vascular disease (CVD). Triglycerides and HDL are both more reliable, and when combined into a ratio is the best marker of CVD.

Healthy HDL Triglyceride.png

However, doctors are taught to focus of LDL - because saturated fat raises LDL (a myth).

CVD is a buildup of cholesterol in artery walls as part of the bodies repair process to repair damage to the endothelium, due to degraded endothelium glycocalyx protective lining. See: How to heal your endothelium....

And I thought Hb1ac was a measure of the AGE's ie. Advanced Glycation Endproducts - rather than "sugary your blood is" which would be BG - Blood Glucose. Which is a different measure. Or have I got that wrong.
High blood glucose "sugary blood" causes glycation. HbA1c is short for glycated haemoglobin. Haemoglobin (Hb) is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout your body. Red blood cells last for about 3 months, so HbA1c is marker of how sugary your blood has been in the last 3 months.

Can I ask how old you are @GreenEdge . Thanks.
I'm 52.