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Carnitine Fumarate and hypothyroidism

Hi people!

I had low thyroid symptoms before, but got more normal with medication (im no longer on the medication since I dont need it anymore)

People with low thyroid function, how did you react to Carnitine Fumarate?

Im scared of trying it because I reacted badly after some days of using R-ala. First I felt an increased energy. But after some days I felt severly depressed, had much anxiety, and felt like crying. The way I felt before I started thyroid medication. I read up on it and it blocks something in your thyroid and is not recommended for people with hypothyroidism symptoms.

Im scared I will feel the same way with carnitine and I will be wasting more money on a supplement I cant tolerate..
Auckland, NZ
I haven't tried Carnitine Fumarate, but I didn't fare well on Acetyl L-Carnitine. My low thyroid symptoms got a great deal worse on it.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
Do an internet search -you'll find that carnitine fumarate is used to treat hyperthyroidism... therefore is seems kind of foolish for people with low thyroid to even consider taking it.