So the cannabis oil without any THC is just as effective as with it?
knackers323 It depends on what you want it to be effective for. If it's pain, probably anything with CBD would be effective. If it's sleep, you probably need some level of THC but not the higher levels that those who want to get high would prefer. It doesn't seem like THC is needed to treat spasms or epilepsy, but there are various kinds of epilepsy and spasms so probably one size doesn't fit all. I know someone with epilepsy who prefers high THC but those babies and children with Dravet's Syndrome-type epilepsy get relief from a product with no THC. (Charlotte's Web variety of cannabis.)
We really need more research on the other 83 cannabinoids, other than CBD and THC. Other countries are doing that research and have been for some time. Yesterday I skimmed and scanned some of the research in Granny Crow's list (the 1000-page PDF that lists both research papers, many from the NIH or PubMed, plus anecdotes.) Other countries have investigated some of those 83 other cannacinoids and have found all kinds of interesting things about how they affect the human body. There are claims that it helps women in menopause, has cured breast cancer and Alzheimer's and a whole lot more.
And I found that CBD alone got rid of my skin lesions that were not cancerous.
Bottom line, we just have to try it and see how it affects each of us, like so many other potential treatments.