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Hello, I've been taking 4% cannabiniol in the hope it might help insomnia but it hasn't so far. I'm wondering whether to try something stronger using a vapouriser but no idea where to start and what varieties might be useful.

The symptoms I'd like to try it for are: insomnia, anxiety, relaxation, muscle pain/ fibro soreness

So far I've gathered that I'd need an Indica rather than Sativa.

I'd like a variety that is low in THC and higher in CBD/ CBN. Any suggestions?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I just tried one that had about 12 mgs per 3 drops. I found it in etsy.

The first time I used it I could barely keep my eyes open. Ultimately I could not take it because it was too stimulating. Even when I used it transdermal.

I think results vary by the strain of hemp. It's all trial and error I think to fine a strain that works.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I have fibro, too. I greatly regret that I didn't go to a dispensary in Seattle when I was there recently. I wanted to try the low THC/high cannabinoid version that helps some for pain and sleep, but doesn't get you high. Of course, I couldn't have brought it back to my backward state because pot isn't legal here, either medically or recreationally.

The last time I smoked pot was almost 15 years ago, and I couldn't believe how much it helped the pain. But I don't want to get high, and I also can't run the risk of getting caught. So the next time I'm in Seattle, I'll put it on top of my to-do list.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@perchance dreamer Although I've been dealing with rotator cuff problems. Something was impinged and I had lots of pain. I was getting PT.

One morning I rubbed the cbd oil on my shoulder and that day it was 90% better. I was almost pain free.

I didn't get significant results after that initial time but it was 100% responsible for reducing the swelling and getting me over the hump.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I'll see if I still have mine. I'm having MRIs soon, but my doctor thinks I have either a rotator cuff problem or a neck problem referring pain into the arm. My right arm hurts, and I can't sleep on my right side at all.

I'll try using the cbd oil topically.


"Deal with it"
Illinois, USA
I have recently tried this is an ecig. I found it DID help with my fibro pain but it was very short-lived. Lasted about an hour. The oil is not very strong, but I did not want to take the chance of putting my self to sleep at work lol.

I going to continue it for a while and see what happens


Senior Member
I tried Cibdex last year, and it didn't help with sleep, but made me groggy and spacey the next day.

I'm interested in testing low THC Indica for insomnia, but it's not legal in my state. However, I have friends in Colorado who are invested in the trade, and here's what I've learned.

I think blends are more common than single strains. You would want somebody knowledgeable to find a blend that targets your profile of symptoms. You could then try it in a vape pen, if your throat/lungs can handle that. There is also an ingestible oil, which is harder to get for our purposes. The oil is very expensive to make, and since most people want the high, that's the audience being targeted.

There is also a lotion - I'm not clear on if this is already being marketed, or if it's in development. Apparently absorption is highest transdermally, but there are the same cost and availability issues as with the oil.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I found Marijuana to be very useful in small doses. Now I take about 0.03g a day in vaporizer. Anymore tends to knock me on my back. But at the dosage I take it gets me off my back and allows me to do strength training/exercise. Sure I might have to lie down a few minutes after 1min of exercise but I do not appear to get any PEM associated with it. It also helps pain and makes my brain work again. It really helps me to enjoy hobbies again.

The dosage is very important though. And like most other drugs I take the results are inconsistent. It works really good for a few months and then not so good for the next few months afterwards. LDN has really helped to bring back the effectiveness of marijuana for me this time around


"Deal with it"
Illinois, USA
I found Marijuana to be very useful in small doses. Now I take about 0.03g a day in vaporizer. Anymore tends to knock me on my back. But at the dosage I take it gets me off my back and allows me to do strength training/exercise. Sure I might have to lie down a few minutes after 1min of exercise but I do not appear to get any PEM associated with it. It also helps pain and makes my brain work again. It really helps me to enjoy hobbies again.

The dosage is very important though. And like most other drugs I take the results are inconsistent. It works really good for a few months and then not so good for the next few months afterwards. LDN has really helped to bring back the effectiveness of marijuana for me this time around

Legal in Illinois.. going to talk to my doctor about a script :)


Senior Member
@perchance dreamer you can get CBD oil which is made from hemp and legal. No THC in it. That's what I was talking about. I don't think I was clear. It was in my head though! Lol

hi @minkeygirl (or anyone who can answer...)

does CBD oil cause any fatigue or sleepiness?

I know THC causes the psychoactive symptoms; does it cause the fatigue/sleepy symptoms, too?



But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Cbd can make you drowsy. The first time I used Mine I couldn't keep my eyes open and slept

But after that I found the one i got was stimulating. Per the guy who I got it from some strains do that.

I used it transdermally on an inflamed rotator cuff and boy did it help

It's worth trying. The place I got mine on etsy have me a full refund and many other online places offer refunds and free return shipping.

It's al individual just like anything. No getting high from this.


Senior Member
Cbd can make you drowsy. The first time I used Mine I couldn't keep my eyes open and slept

But after that I found the one i got was stimulating. Per the guy who I got it from some strains do that.

I used it transdermally on an inflamed rotator cuff and boy did it help

It's worth trying. The place I got mine on etsy have me a full refund and many other online places offer refunds and free return shipping.

It's al individual just like anything. No getting high from this.

thanks, @minkeygirl

good to know that there may be some strains that are not sedating... I definitely don't want that.. fatigue & brain fog are big complaints b/c they interfere w work... also joint pain... all go away when inflammation is down.. I've been reading about CBD and inflammation; the THC hits a different receptor (CB1) which is in the brain.. CBD & CBN hit receptor CB2, which is in peripheral tissue... If I can avoid the sedation - and if CBD actually does reduce inflammation for me - then it could work..


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I had really good luck using it transdermally for rotator cuff problems. I used it once and the pain was reduced more than 50%. Or more

It's not supposed to put you to sleep so if you want it for pain I'd try it.

The one I got from etsy is called Zen. They have a great return policy and the price is reasonable. And the dosage was high compared to other ones.


Senior Member
I had really good luck using it transdermally for rotator cuff problems. I used it once and the pain was reduced more than 50%. Or more

It's not supposed to put you to sleep so if you want it for pain I'd try it.

The one I got from etsy is called Zen. They have a great return policy and the price is reasonable. And the dosage was high compared to other ones.

@minkeygirl -- weird.. I didn't know that you could buy that on the internet w/o a medical marijuana ID... Can you take the etsy CBD oil internally, or is it just topical stuff?