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Cancer & ME/CFS/FM/Lyme


Senior Member
As though CFS/ME/FM/ Lyme weren't enough, I learned some time ago that I have
a "rare" systemic cancer. Very concerning given fact that I cannot imagine
doing chemo/ drug therapy given my *extreme* drug sensitivities. Appreciate hearing from
anyone especially who HAS cancer of any type along with CFS/ME/FM or Lyme.
My doctor ignored grossly abnormal immune test results for YEARS!!! I thought
perhaps they were just another "abnormality" that we come up with on tests. But finally,
I consulted with an Immunologist to consult; that doctor referred me to Oncologist and the
long, winding road began there. It's all pretty overwhelming and a bit lonely, given the fact that
the cancer (only) folks are FAR more functional than I am!! This makes my theory of our
having a Retrovirus with various "opportunistic" infections and even cancers more likely than
Love to hear from anyone that has any type of systemic cancer as well as CFS/ME/FM/Lyme.
How were you diagnosed?
Do you feel that there is a connection between your illness and the cancer?
Have you begun any type of chemo or other drug treatment?


Senior Member
Also forgot to say that a good friend of mine with ME/CFS of about 40 years
died a few years ago from sudden Pancreatic Cancer. I really think there is a link
and know that there were some CFS/ME pts with Lymphoma Cancer a while back.
Wonder how many pts just rub off different symptoms or test results thinking
they are "just more of the usual abnormalities".


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
There have been some people that have ME/CFS that have contracted cancer, but in most of the case that are discussed it was actually the Epstein Barr Virus that can cause a rare lymphoma called Mantle Cell Lymphoma. However, I think I read something recently of a drug approval for Mantle Cell Lymphoma that has a very high remission or cure rate.