Canadians - Urgent need help


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Vivint is running a Facebook contest right now and we need to include a Canadian charity in the race. Please read the rules at

The contest is divided into regions in the US and Canada - we need to get a CFS charitiy into each region contest. The CFIDS Association is all ready in it and the WPI will be in it soon.

The top charity from each region wins $100,000, the top overall charity wins $250,000!

The contest has started already - so we need to get it going ASAP!


Senior Member
I posted your message at National ME/FM Action Network on FB. They're actually hosting the IACFS conference in the fall and need $150,000. for expenses.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Great shannah!

Eric - there are 5 regions all together. One for each time zone in the US - pacific, central, mountain and eastern, and one for Canada. CFIDS Assocation is already in the eastern region, and someone nominated WPI for the pacific region yesterday but it doesn't show yet (supposed to take 24 hours). Still need all the other regions. The charities just need to be below $50 million in expenses.

Unlike Chase Contest, people need to go in every single day and "endorse" the charity you like (I think you can endorse as many charities as you want to). This phase is going on right now. On June 11, the 20 charities in each region that get the most endorsements go on to Round 2. We then need to go back in and "vote" for each charity that we want every single day during the contest. The winners of each region get $100,000, the top overall winner $250,000.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Great idea Helen - let's just go ahead and get them all on the board. I didn't see anything about a limit on how many we can "endorse" or "vote" for - did anyone else?

Eric - I like the orgs that you picked, although I don't know much about them....Rocky Moutain has CFS and FM so we could get a ton more votes from the FM community.


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Edited to update rules- there is a discrepency on the website, one place it says that we can "vote" for one charity per region per day and another place it says that you can only vote for one charity per day.

I sent a message to the contact name and will post when I hear something.


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
I just mentioned everybody i've found, with one exception, because one of their researchers kind of let us down :D, so that we can then select the best ones.
But in case it's only possible to vote for one charity, then the best choice probably is the WPI. Or what do you think?


Ohio, USA
Ohio, USA
Edited to update rules- there is a discrepency on the website, one place it says that we can "vote" for one charity per region per day and another place it says that you can only vote for one charity per day.

I sent a message to the contact name and will post when I hear something.

The rest of this original post below, is valid only if we can vote for one charity per region per day:

In the voting phase - we can vote for one charity per region per day! So if we can get a charity in the top 20 endorsements for each region - we have the potential of winning $100,000 for each region winner with the exception of the top winner who receives $250,000.

So, if we can get all CFS charites endorsed in each region - we have the potential of winning $650,000 for CFS!!

Honestly it looks way easy to get into the top 20 in each region.

WPI (pacific) is already 10th and started yesterday
CAA (eastern) is 25th (only 26 endorsements from 20th place)
National ME/Action Network (Canada) is at 9th currently and started yesterday

Thanks Eric, for coming up with groups for other regions. We should just agree which groups we will support from Mountain and Central and get them nominated.

I sent a message to Andrea and to the CAA asking if they will support the community as a whole and works towards winning us $650,000 combined, which means switching endorsements daily if need be to make sure that we keep everyone comfortably within the top 20.

Since most people on here lean toward WPI, we could make sure that as long as they are say in between 5th and 10th place in their region each day then we "endorse" other CFS groups that are under 20th in their region.


Senior Member
Sleepy Hollow Canada
I just nominated the rocky mountain ME/CFS and FM Assoc. Now we just need the central one. I'm feeling really bossy- someone else needs to do that one LOL