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Canadian vs. US Healthcare Systems--Debated


Senior Member

I grew up in Canada. I never had a problem there. I value very much the fact that NOONE has to go without the care they need there or fight insurance companies for the benefits they are paying for while sick. Both systems are far from perfect though. Both need to be fixed. I personally would rather start from the Canadian foundation than the American one, because it is far closer to being fair. That's my two cents as someone who has lived with both public and private systems.


Senior Member
New England
I got confused about the sign in for the Munk Debates, but found I could watch some of the video on www.GlobeandMail.com , typing in Munk Debates in the Search box. I particularly value Dr. Howard Dean's views. He is very knowledgeable about the US system, the politics, and the comparison to Canada's. His Canadian interviewer's questions were very good too.

Yeah, and I would take Canada's system over the US's too.



senior member
Concord, NH
I grew up in Canada. I never had a problem there. I value very much the fact that NOONE has to go without the care they need there or fight insurance companies for the benefits they are paying for while sick. Both systems are far from perfect though. Both need to be fixed. I personally would rather start from the Canadian foundation than the American one, because it is far closer to being fair. That's my two cents as someone who has lived with both public and private systems.

Well we all know that life is not fair, I am happy with the system I live in, personally I like the American system, look at what WPI has done. Has any other country made an advance in our illness such as this? Cannot wait until this November, tea partiers rock! If I wanted the Canadian system I would move to Canada!

The Health Care "reform" was shoved down our throats and there will be a political price! I have no faith in the gov't running things better than the private sector, again look at what WPI has done. This is not what our country was founded upon, our forefathers are roling in their graves!


Senior Member
Well we all know that life is not fair, I am happy with the system I live in, personally I like the American system, look at what WPI has done. Has any other country made an advance in our illness such as this? Cannot wait until this November, tea partiers rock! If I wanted the Canadian system I would move to Canada!

The Health Care "reform" was shoved down our throats and there will be a political price! I have no faith in the gov't running things better than the private sector, again look at what WPI has done. This is not what our country was founded upon, our forefathers are roling in their graves!

There is absolutely nothing in the Canadian system that would prevent an institution such as the WPI from forming and doing excellent work in Canada. The main reason that fewer exist is critical mass. There are 10 times more Americans than Canadians. Canada also does not have an outbreak centre such as Nevada to start from in forming a activist base for this particular disease.


senior member
Concord, NH
Perhaps, AWOL, or perhaps it is because we are a Capitalistic (more efficient) society, (the US has a lot more capital than Canada and we have similar resources) and people have money to do much needed research?


Senior Member

You are quite ignorant of Canada, its people and its health system if you believe that Canada is NOT a capitalist society. There is no point engaging in this debate any further because how can one argue with blind nationalism? NH is not far from the border. Maybe you should make an extended visit, that is if you are capable of going with an open mind.

Do some research and you might find that the statistics on relative capital are changing rapidly. I will refrain from pointing fingers for that reality.


senior member
Concord, NH

You are quite ignorant of Canada, its people and its health system if you believe that Canada is NOT a capitalist society. There is no point engaging in this debate any further because how can one argue with blind nationalism? NH is not far from the border. Maybe you should make an extended visit, that is if you are capable of going with an open mind.

Do some research and you might find that the statistics on relative capital are changing rapidly. I will refrain from pointing fingers for that reality.


More research on Canada, no thanks! Relative capital? Everything is relative?! Sorry for my ignorance, my parents just happened to move from that country to the US. I wonder why? I am blissful in my ignorance thank you! My mind is very open, thanks!