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Can it cause a sore throat?

Hi... i am new to this board, so please forgive me, as I am just now learning aout all these conditions. I suffered from Chronic Fatigue for years without knowing the root cause. My dr. tested me for the MTHFR mutation and sure enough, I am homozygous (2 copies). Anyway, he told me it was nothing and not even necessary to treat and meanwhile, I went on and on exhausted and miserable for months. Finally, I did my own research on the mutation and found that I should be treating it and that it is absolutely a cause of CFS. Sure enough, I started taking folic acid a few times a day (methylfolate was not in yet, although I ordered it) and I felt great and very energetic within my first few doses.

Fast forward, my l-methylfolate 1000 mcgs arrived on Monday, so I stopped taking the folic acid and I was just getting over a cold and BAM, I got a bad sore throat. Ever since I've taken it, every day, the sore throat continues. Is this a coincidence or is it causing my sore throat? it's miserable. The worst part is that it is my only son's birthday party tomorrow and I want to be well, but it doesn't seem in site. For now, i am going to stop taking it and see if I see any improvements.

Thank you all so much for listening and for any sharing of your experiences.


Senior Member
Hi, cfsgirl.

I think that taking a break from the methylfolate would be good thing to try.

It's possible that taking the methylfolate has improved the function of your immune system, because the methylation cycle lies at the beginning of the sulfur metabolism and affects the level of glutathione, which is important to the immune system. Methylation will also affect the expression of the genes, including those that code for immune system proteins. Perhaps you had a viral infection in your throat, and your immune system was not able to fight it in the past, but now it is, and that is producing inflammation. Taking a break should give you some relief, and also some information about whether the methylfolate is directly connected to your getting a sore throat.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Meanwhile, honey is really, really good for a sore throat.
Put a teaspoonful in a nice hot drink and sip it. Hope it's better soon!
Hi Rich,

Thank you so much for your response. I am going to stop the methylfolate for a while and see if i improve at all. I sure do hope so, as I have my toddler's birthday party tomorrow, lol! We shall see. I hope I feel better soon as this is not fun!

Anyway, thanks to both of you for the helpful advice and information!



Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Well ever since I've had ME, I've had dry/swollen throat, glands under jaw swollen
worse I get, worse my throat gets, too. Currently my mouth/thropat feel like a camel's ass! :p

I'd guess that the lymph/tonsil glands, latent infections/bacteria in mouth are related to this
autoimmune = over reaction to nonharmful strains??


Senior Member
Sth Australia
The MTHFR polymorphism is very important to know about before getting pregnant as it can cause miscarriages and other issues. I have double copies of this too and due to it my child was born disabled and had to spend much of her life having to use a wheelchair, incontience etc etc(she's got cadaul regression syndrome. which is much like spina bifida).

If one knows one has it..bad stuff like this can be avoided with extra supplementation above the normal.

Some quotes on this which my specialist has written in my notes
"It is associated with the risks of vascular disease, thrombosis and neural tube defects in babies of affected mothers. It is a potentially reversible factor in the later risk of dementia."

It affects homocysteine.. and in turn

"evidence suggests that high homocysteine has adverse affects on the vessels, neural tissue and perhaps the joints. As well it slightly increases the risk of thrombotic events by inhibiting tissue plasminogen activater (tPA). An increase by 5 umol/L increases the coronary and stroke risk between 50 and 80%."

I was put on supplementation to boost my folate and other supplementation as a protective thing, to keep my homocysteine levels down due to it.