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Can anyone give me advice on what I'm going through?

I am really getting stressed starting college. I have a very important exam and have a colonoscopy scheduled in a month but it the test is before when I can even see anyone. I am also seeing an endocrinogist as well. I have hypothyroidism and leaky gut where my gut is too permeable and substances leaky into my blood stream. I also have low LH, low testosterone, never feel hungry and never feel full.

II eat a lot of high fiber foods and poop very little. I'm wondering if anyone has heard of leaky brain where your BBB is permeable to substances especially lectins. Otherwise, I am thinking it could be a fungus. My roof of my mouth is yellow. My doctor said this is billirubin. I feel better taking candex. Otherwise, I'm in a constant state of brain fog the whole day usually. I got a tongue swab and there was a small amount of acremonion fungus on it. My tongue usually has a yellow residue on it. Any advice for me?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I am not a doctor, this is my own experience.. I have IBS-C. If I eat too much of the wrong fiber I cannot go. I balance soluble fiber with insoluble fiber and take magnesium to help me go.

Candida can also cause constipation. Candida can cause fatigue and brain fog. When I feel bloated I will clean up my diet, knock off sugar. If Candex helps then maybe you are on to something.

A colonoscopy, as far as I know, will not show if you have candida or some other fungal or bacterial infection. I recently had one and all I found out was I had no polyps.

Listen to your symptoms and what works and what doesn't. You may be on to something bacterial wise.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@BadgerGB7 - this article states that if the whites of your eyes are not yellow, you don't have jaundice caused by too much bilirubin: https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000210.htm

If the whites of your eyes are not yellow, then I think it's much more likely that the yellow on the roof of your mouth may be related to the acremonion fungus, since you tested positive for that with a tongue swab. You feel better on candex, which helps control yeast so it sounds like it may be helping with the fungal infection you have. I think you may need a different doctor. Is he or she doing anything for your leaky gut?

Candida can cause brain fog so I'm guessing that the acremonion may do something similar - I'm just guessing here.

I think your best bet if at all possible is to find an integrative or functional medicine doctor who knows about nutrition and healing the gut. etc.
He wanted me on an anti-candida diet. I killed off the stuff I had. He told me to eat beans and I was doing better. Then this lead to problems.

I took in my eyes and they aren't yellow, they are white. My liver is doing fine so I doubt it's jaundice.

I got a comprehensive stool analysis and NutraEval from Genova labs.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I took in my eyes and they aren't yellow, they are white. My liver is doing fine so I doubt it's jaundice.

This is why I don't think it's bilirubin making the roof of your mouth yellow - that's what jaundice is, when your eyes and other tissues turn yellow from bilirubin. And the medline article states that if your eyes are not yellow, you don't have jaundice. That's why I was thinking you might need a different doctor. I'm not a doctor, and cannot give medical advice, but this just doesn't sound right to me.

Also, if you reply to someone, it's good to put their user name like this, with the "@" sign in front: @BadgerGB7 and that way they will get an alert that you have responded to them (e.g., @Mary - (me!))
@Mary, my skin is yellow and roof of mouth. I do have a NutraEval from 6 months ago if anyone knows how to interpret it and would give me some advice on it. Thanks!