Can a bone marrow test help?


Senior Member
@Gingergrrl I don't know if you have M.E but I did not experience fatigue (not the same as I've felt in the last several years ie; inability to produce energy on demand), PEM or brain fog/cognitive impairment either during the first 10yrs of illness.

I don't experience your most debilitating symptoms on a daily basis but I have on and off over the years.


Senior Member
@Mij, Thank you and I do not know either! My ME/CFS doctor who I deeply respect feels that I do have ME/CFS although at times even he is not certain since no one is truly certain what this disease is (or all of the many subgroups.) I know it really does not even matter and if I could get a fraction of improvement, I do not need a label. I just sometimes feel having the most accurate label might help my treatment but then again, it might not.


Senior Member
@Gingergrrl exactly.

I think I've discussed this with you before, the M.E specialist who worked with Dr.B Hyde years ago did not feel I had M.E based on his experience but gave me an "atypical M.E" diagnosis and told me I had a high probability of recovery. Unfortunately that did not happen.
After looking at the MAST criteria--and the description on Wikipedia--I think I only have the most generic symptoms: fatigue, occasional night sweats, lightheadedness, brain fog, and a couple of others. It seems harder to dx than ME! I'll tentatively ask the haematologist.