Caffeine improving my brain fatigue?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
One annoying symptom I have, is that my brain reacts to conscious thought by giving me a shot of fatigue so to speak.

For example, if I was to think about going out to get something g from the shop, my brain sends this wave of cognitive fatigue that even flows through my physical body.

I know this may come across as psychological or ‘all in the head’, but I believe today and on a previous occasion has debunked the ‘all in the head’ theory.

On a day-to-day basis my brain doesn’t tolerate coffee much, but when I do fancy a cup, I have noticed on the last 2 occasions that the ‘brain fatigue’ I feel when thinking about doing an activity has gone.

I am quite amazed as I didn’t consciously think that caffeine has helped me. Only now it’s popped into my mind that maybe caffeine has helped this symptom.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


Senior Member
Could you send me the part that’s relevant for me please? I do apologise, I can’t read due to my brain straining when reading. Thanks.

There is a connection between caffeine and t3 levels and calcium. A lot of people may have issues with how the cells use calcium, and caffeine may help with this. Also it may increase dieodinases that convert t4 to t3.


Senior Member
Your fatigue is just part of ME/CFS. I too sometimes feel like going to do something, but when I actually get up to do it, or maybe just thinking through the steps to do it, I realize that I don't have the energy to follow through. I don't think the level of fatigue increases, I think it's just the awareness of existing fatigue kicks in. We don't notice limitations until we challenge them.


Senior Member
Could you send me the part that’s relevant for me please? I do apologise, I can’t read due to my brain straining when reading. Thanks.

Have you ever tried caffeine along with hydrocortizone? Or even thyroid hormone.

Just ideas.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Your fatigue is just part of ME/CFS. I too sometimes feel like going to do something, but when I actually get up to do it, or maybe just thinking through the steps to do it, I realize that I don't have the energy to follow through. I don't think the level of fatigue increases, I think it's just the awareness of existing fatigue kicks in. We don't notice limitations until we challenge them.

Sounds like me!!!


Breaking Through The Fog
I think it's what is known as "motivational fatigue" - but not in psychological sense but in the neuroscience definition of the word which defines motivation as the "the process of task initiation" as well as the executive function that allows your brain to navigate through and complete the task are both impaired.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
"the process of task initiation" as well as the executive function that allows your brain to navigate through and complete the task are both impaired.

I like to say that some forms of caffeine*, though they don't really give me much more physical energy, help my brain to outvote my body but it doesn't always work that way unfortunately

...or maybe that's a good thing because otherwise I would possibly have more crashes.

*Coffee caffeine only calms me. The outvoting usually happens more with cola or chocolate caffeine.


Breaking Through The Fog
I like to say that some forms of caffeine*, though they don't really give me much more physical energy, help my brain to outvote my body but it doesn't always work that way unfortunately

...or maybe that's a good thing because otherwise I would possibly have more crashes.

*Coffee caffeine only calms me. The outvoting usually happens more with cola or chocolate caffeine.
I like "brain outvoting" body" description :)