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Byron White Formulas-Wayne Anderson's Guidebook


Senior Member
I have. They are extremely potent, so start slowly if you tend to be fragile/reactive. I had to start the Envi-rad at 1/2 drop.
I like them and I like Byron White, who I believe has put a lot of thought, work and care into making them.
The trouble for me is more in sorting out what to treat and in what order.

I'll be curious to hear how you do on the EB-H6--do update us if you feel like so inclined :nerd:

Oh, and welcome! :):balloons:
New Mexico
Thank you! Yes, same here as far as what to treat/what order. You'd think after 22 years I'd have a clue but still looking for that silver bullet! Doc warned me to go low and slow. I am a reactor/sensitive, so we'll see. He's ordering some labs to check my titers of EBV/HHV6 so we have a gauge on if it's working and go from there to see if I need to bring in the big guns (Valcyte possibly).

Interestingly, my doc said he called Byron's lab to talk them about the proprietary portion and no luck, but he also believes great things are in these formulas. I will report back! :thumbsup:


Senior Member
I'm too pooped right now to find the link, but if you can hunt down sue vogan's show on blogspot radio where she interviewed him a year or two ago, you'll get a sense of what a lovely man he is, and what kind of wisdom and experience went onto his formulas. I believe they came into being as he cured himself from chronic lyme.
Sounds like you have a great MD!
New Mexico
Leela - Just wanted to let you know that I received my EB/H6 formula and took 1 drop today. Within several hours I had the WORST nausea. I was sure I was going to be sick but decided to to pop 2 charcoal caps to see if that would help and within 20 minutes I'm much better. I have to think it was that because I haven't done much different. I google'd Artemisia and a few other items in the formula but can't find much info. Whatever is in there is definitely doing something. Now I'm scared to do it again tomorrow. Think I'll wait a day or two and try again. Yikes. I'm an emetophob and absolutely hate the feeling of being sick. :(

How is your formula treating you so far?


Senior Member
Well, you know it's working! One reason they are so potent is that in addition to the formulas being of very high quality, they are potentized with Rife frequencies as well. So they are working on many levels. I would suggest mixing one drop in a cup of water, throwing 3/4 of it away, and just drinking the remaining quarter. That should help. Do that for a couple times (maybe wait a few days in between) and then move up to a half and see how that goes, etc. That's what I had to do.

I had the same hideous nausea after taking too much at first, but was totally fine on parts of drops. It didn't take me long to work up, either.

I have been very inconsistent with my BWs. Well, with everything; I'm very forgetful right now, as well as trying to juggle a bunch of new symptoms. I must say though the Envi-rad and whatever the charcoal one is called (Detox?) have been life-savers.

Oh, and just in case you weren't told: succuss the bottle soundly a few times before dispensing your drop.
southwest USA
I began using the BW formulas in the past couple of months. I started with the EB-H6 formula without too much response. I worked up to the full dose fairly quickly, and went through a couple of bottles. Didn't notice much at any time on this one, so stopped.

Recently began the A-L complex, and was able to work up to full dose quickly. Some increase in fatigue and general sx, but not a major response.

Added the Envi-Rad, after my Assyra practitioner found it testied well using the Assyra. This one has been more potent! I had to start slowly (for me that was a couple of drops), but on about day 3 inadvertently took a whole dropper (got the bottle confused with some other herbs that I'm taking). I had a rough time with fatigue and emotional swings (not a good thing at work)! I did recover after a couple of days.

I usually can take a fair amount of anything, with the exception of DMSA and resveratrol, both of which I can only take like 1/20th of a full capsule. I would caution you to go slow, as I know someone who took 1/10th of a drop and became very reactive! As you know, terrible reaction means that the formula is working, so it's supposed to be a good indicator.

Good luck!
New Mexico
Thanks, Leela and Dunningblue. Very good advice. I've always tested high for EBV but you know what most Docs say, "everyone has it!", so I've never been given anything but some Melissa Officianalis by a ND and it did nothing. My reaction to this was only severe nausea, but it was like having the stomach flu with bowel issues and cold sweats.. Ughh. Thank god for activated charcoal. I'm going to give Leela's 1/4 option a try. Crazy that I can only take that much! THANKS AGAIN!
New Mexico
Thanks for the link, Leela. Wow! All of that info was super helpful and opened a lot of questions for me. Now I'm wondering if doc should have started me on a supportive BWF first, like one of the Detox. I'll do more research and ask him at my next appointment in Feb.

I REALLY am curious to try one of the Qi-Master or EM for emotional support. I feel like I hold A LOT of past trauma in my organs. I have done a few sessions of acupuncture specifically for addressing my immunity and came out a mess of tears most times. I'd just be laying there with all these needles and start bawling. Emotions would just POUR out of me. I'm restarting acupuncture this January and can't wait to get rid of more of those onion layers. I don't know if my childhood trauma helped me to acquire this disease, but it can't hurt to release it if it is there.

Have a restful Thanksgiving (if that's possible!). I do have to travel but not too far, thankfully!