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Bypass bad VDR for GcMAF effectiveness...


Senior Member
Hi everybody,

We've been discussing for long on GcMAF, and how VDR status may determine whether it could be a good therapy for XMRV, or not.

The other day I exchanged some ideas with a doctor quite versed in HIV and CFS, and he told me that he knew about some researchers trying to develop therapies to bypass somehow the polymorphisms at the VDR gene. Of course, I asked him what therapies, but I doubt he'll answer any time soon, as always is very busy...

Anyway, yesterday a new member of the Spanish CFS forum I run, wrote:


Actually, he is naming a therapy to bypass the problem with VDR gene! isn't he?

I thought it would be wise to open this thread to research and find out these possible therapies...

What do you think about these possible clinical strategies? I plan to research them as soon as I have energies...

Eager to know your insights on this,


Senior Member
Ah good stuff Serg!! Thanks for posting.

I actually wondered myself whether we could request specific HLA types at Panama's stem cell institute (since this would bypass having to get this done through a clinical trial, for CFS nonetheless, which might never actually happen). The institute unfortunately does not let you pick HLA types; nor does it match you up with blood type, since they insist there is no rejection of umbilical cord stem cells. Instead they give you stem cells from 4 different donors that are "best match" without explaining what exactly "best match" means.

It's too bad. If they would be willing to screen for XMRV and match patients up with gcmaf-friendly umbilical cord HLA, they would double their waiting list overnight. It'd be a win-win and I have no idea why they're not taking advantage of these opportunities


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Sergio and all,

Maybe the "next patient" to see KDM could run this past him? I've lost track of who that might be, but it is more likely that it would come to KDM's personal attention (if he isn't already following this research) if a patient handed him a copy of this post rather than one of us trying to send it to him by email. ;)

Would you, Sergio, be comfortable actually reposting the text of this on the GcMAF thread to see if anyone is interested in showing it to him? (maybe crediting the author?) Or, otherwise, asking his permission to repost? I'd hate for this to slip through the cracks. Seems like KDM would be interested in doing "whatever" to get good results from GcMAF.

Thanks for starting this thread!


Senior Member
Hi guys!

Please, do not miss what this member of my forum replied, as I said:


Joey, yes, this is very exciting! I mean, it would be a way to make GcMAF work for ALL PWCs! I think if a doctor like KDM knows about this, and consider this seriously, probably he would find the needed resources to have this done...In the worse case, we could find a compatible donor by ourselves (friends, relatives, other patients...), have him/her get the VDR test, and then use the apheresis to help us...Is not that outlandish, is it?

You are right, In Panama this should be a good incentive...but it is the same as with XMRV...here there's lots of $$$$ (it is obvious!), but the pharma industry is not getting involved yet...They will, of course...But as always, we see this things ahead, as we are the more directly affected, and we are in rush, cause our lives are at stake!



Senior Member
I cant seem to find the link to the study. I was going to send on this info to KDM but thought i could send him some real research info that is being done on this. Does anyone have a link or is it just based on what Richard posted?


Senior Member
Hi Ronan, it seems it's been a Richar's idea, but you could easily find things about apheresis for cancer...The link to GcMAF-non-responders on CFS is pretty obvious...



Senior Member

this morning I had mailed Prof. Ruggiero and asked his progress on bypassing the bad VDR-genotype for treatment with Gc-Maf. The answer seems to be encouraging:

"I about one week we shall present our latest results as IAS2011 in Rome. Those results should provide an answer to your questions."

Best regards,


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

this morning I had mailed Prof. Ruggiero and asked his progress on bypassing the bad VDR-genotype for treatment with Gc-Maf. The answer seems to be encouraging:

"I about one week we shall present our latest results as IAS2011 in Rome. Those results should provide an answer to your questions."

Best regards,

Thanks for that OS! We will keep tuned in.



Senior Member
Hi Sushi,

Prof. Ruggiero also told me that the abstract on this matter will be available after July 16.

Best regards,


Senior Member
Yasko for bypassing VDR ?

Very good news !

Keep in touch since I've just received the GcMAF from prof De Meirleir and I'm waiting for the VDR results. I think I'll start on GcMAF on september.

But...what do you think about Dr. Yasko suggestions about bypassing the VDR ?

I post an answer of Dr. Amy Yasko about this

In answer to your question about vitamin D...the VDR mutation that we are looking at results in a protein that is less active. To put this in terms that may be visually helpful for others reading this post...When we think about receptors, one way to look at them is like fishing poles on the surface of your cells. In the case of the VDR, it is a fishing pole that is specific for "catching" vitamin D. While the VDR can react and respond to hormones, if the protein itself is not as active and appears to be not as effective in its activity. This would fit with what you describe in terms of finding higher levels vitamin D in the blood after loading. If the VDR is less effective in pulling that added vitamin D into the cells then it would allow the concentration to remain higher in the medium outside the cell.

There is literature that suggests that carnosic acid can increases the expression of vitamin D receptors. So, even if the fishing poles on your cells are not as efficient at catching vitamin D, if you can increase the number of poles on the surface you should be able to enhance the amount of vitamin D taken into your cells. For this reason we look to support with rosemary and sage when we have a VDR + status. Also, because the Fok + status has shown an association with diabetes we look at additional pancreatic support. I like to add vitamin D, as you have found increasing the amount of vitamin D does increase the level in the blood. Going back to the fishing analogy, if there are more fish in the area then even a less efficient fishing pole may be able to catch more fish.

We do have a list of suggested supplements based on the Fok+ status that takes into account these considerations. You may want to consider supplementing with a number of the items on the list to see if that will be helpful.

With love and hope and again welcome to the discussion group,

VDR/ Fok
_ 1 Vitamin K (Super K)
_ 1 Vitamin D
_ 1 Rosemary
_ 1 Sage
_ 1 Gymnema sylvestre (Ayur Gymnema)
_ 2 to 3 Ora-Pancreas
_ 1 to 3 GABA per day
_ 1/2 CCK per day(Resist Fat Apex Lean)
_ 1/4 Pig Duodenum (Pig Duodenal Substance)3 times a day
_ Super digestive enzymes Enhanced with each meal
_ 1/8 Prolongevity Formula RNA
_ Watch chromium and vanadium levels on UEE test

VDR/Taq and VDR/Fok (vitamin D receptor):
The panel looks at more than one portion of the vitamin D receptor, the Taq as well as the Fok sites. While the Fok change has been related to blood sugar regulation, changes at Taq can affect dopamine levels. For this reason it is important to look at the composite of the COMT and VDR/Taq status and make supplement suggestions based on the combined results at these two sites. The focus on changes in the Fok portion of the VDR is in regard to supplements that support the pancreas and aid in keeping blood sugar in the normal healthy range.
