butterbur - helpful for histamine intolerance?


Senior Member
I'm surprised that butterbur hasn't been mentioned here... I know that it acts on histamine and leukotreines, and it takes a while to reach effectiveness... Any feedback? thanks.


Senior Member
I am taking just about everything there is to take right now for mast cell disorder (MCAS) and my doc has never mentioned butterbur. What is it?


Senior Member
I am taking just about everything there is to take right now for mast cell disorder (MCAS) and my doc has never mentioned butterbur. What is it?

Hi @Gingergrrl - butterbur is a plant. The medicine/supplement is extracted from its tuber, I think. I used it for quite a long time to prevent migraines on my neuorologist's recommendation. He had been at a conference and came back all excited about the research into it. There is good evidence (for migraine research anyway) of efficacy for migraine, and pretty good evidence against some allergies. So it could plausibly have something to do with mast cell stabilization, but I don't know of any studies.

It did seem to help lower the migraine activity, though I did not have dramatic results. For me, anything that lessens the roar is a success. I stopped using it because I was still losing weight and thought it might be affecting my appetite.

It is very important to get the purified form, because of the the toxicity, and that's not cheap. Petadolex has patented the process for purifying it and charge accordingly.

Might be worth asking your mast cell doc about.



Senior Member
Yup. but there's quercetin, rutin, mangosteen (which might be more for mast cell than histamine directly, not sure.)

How is rutin different than quercetin? I feel like it's better for vascular issues (perhaps related to MCAS?? Dunno)