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BURPING.... constant... with Nauesa


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Does anyone get periods of loud forceful burping with nausea that can last days.....weeks. Then it might go away for 2 wks and start all over again....nearly 4 yrs and it brings me completely down ....back to bed. I can get it if I start a new supplement or drug. However I get it for days without any new stuff introduced. I am gluten free. I have no ill affects after eating what so ever and take digestive enzymes. Did allergy test and nothing showed. No Dr/naturopath can tell me what is causing it. Any clues


Maybe you have a motility problem. Have you had that checked out ? Gastroperesis is a condition where the stomach doesn't empty fast enough and you can get symptoms like that.

Or anything that disrupts stomach acid can cause it too.
had constant nausea which stopped when I went on a food restriction diet. There are many groups.. and unfortunately can be many foods. There are salicylate chemicals which are the natural pesticide that vegis and fruits make which some of us lack the proper enzyme to break down. THere are amines which are the chemicals which form on aging foods.

I was on many enzymes and HCl for years and now I am off of the offending foods I no longer have to take them> Only when I have an offending food , supplement do I have nausea and alot of burping, constipation, irritable bowel attacks

A good website to start with is www.plantpoisonsandrottenstuff.info describing the foods and how to deal with it.

I am hoping that with added vitamins/ minerals and with improving my liver pathways with metal chelation and limiting chemicals my reactions will improve



Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
My CFS husband does not do the burping, but certainly the gas and nausea a lot. It really can make a person feel very ill!

He has not done very well with the concept of diet restriction, but it got so bad I got him off wheat/gluten and mostly off sugar a couple of months ago. And added as many enzymes as I could find to his regime. The nausea is a lot better since, but there are still days it acts up. We have not pinned down why yet.

Thanks loads Nanci for the plantpoisons site. I'll go check that out.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks Nancy and Suzy,
I have done the saiicylate amine diet ........no difference. Gastro doc thought it might be slow stomach emptying but did not want to put me under as I get this worse if I have drugs...... drugs and no drugs make me so ill. Always starts of a morning when I wake...about 2 hrs after and gets better towards the end of the day.


I think Ih ave motility issues too Susan and when I search on this it seems there are lots of people with this problem, but don't seem to have the fatigue. Maybe checkign out those forums would help. I remember one woman, soi sick with this couldn't eat anything and was on liquids. They found she had slow stomach emptying. She went on bethenacol (spelling is wrong) which promotes the parasympathetic nervous system which promotes motility and seh said within a week she could eat solid foods again. THis woman found magnesium was the root of her problem and after a year of bethanocol was albe to get off it, as long as she keeps up her magnesium.

Do you have to go under forthe stomach emptying test ?


Senior Member

My experience (FWIW) with these symptoms has been that it was all due to recurrent Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (confirmed with both hydrogen breath test and duodenal fluid collection). My gastro, ID and neuro all feel that this occurs due to motility issues caused by autonomic neural dysfunction. For me, the solution for the underlying problem is to control numerous infections that are causing the neural problems.

We treat the recurrent SIBO with xifaxan (confirmed effectiveness with post Tx H breath tests). I have some reflux that is controlled with Prilocec (although I am weighing changing to Tagamet given the recent thread on the anti inflammatory properties of cimetidine) and the bloating (when I have it) is treated with Gas-X (ask the pharmacist for the generic - Simethicone - and you'll save a fortune).

Best of luck with this.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Thanks so much for all the good suggestions.

I live in OZ so will have to see if we have those drugs

If motility issues and stomach emptying are the issues why then do the drugs affect me so bad ...not tried any drugs... too afraid.

Can you all figure why if I take drugs it make it worse.....thiis is the reason I have not attempted any as the gas from the burping could power a jet engine.

I am going to the Doc today and he has wracked his brains after 4 yrs..... will mention these drugs.


Is it possible they slow down motility, make the problemworse ?

Bethanecol is one I've heard of that promotes the parasympathetic system.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I forgot to say I have had the stool test done and am on 2 kinds of probiotics for that...started one at Xmas and the 2nd 11th Jan....was hoping desperately that this was the problem as the results were that I had a very significant problem in the gut

I guess I am jumping the gun a little.. Been doing mercury detox for 7mths and so far that has not stopped it. Also started methylating at Xmas. The last 2 days attacks were so viscous that after nearly 4 yrs I felt I have to find a way out of this.

The parasympathetic idea interests me............understandable. This could account why I have it on some days and not others...maybe the sympathetic and para are in sync those days.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Even new supplements cause the burping. I have just read the Tagament thread Very interesting. I think I will give it a go in low dose. I am taking the DPP IV new enzymes for digestion and wonder will that interfere with it....need my other Doctor to check this out.

Thank you all for your ideas.
I was thinking more today how my symptoms went in the past years.. Nausea , severe fatigue and air hunger were my first symptoms.. The nausea came on over night after antibiotics then some heavy duty drugs to kill parasites

The nausea was from gallbladder/ liver / candida/ all rolled into one. I did find treating candida made it a bit less, then doing chelating { I have high levels of lead which really affects the liver . DId you know that Beethoven died of stomach digestion problems?? They did an analysis of his hair and he had very high lead levels} Anyways after doing my first round on DMSA { which takes out lead } using the Andrew Cutler Frequent dose protocal , I was able to break down proteins for the first time in 30 years. I had given up on meat , chicken.. Now that is all I eat .. along with rice and a few vegis, butter and cashews.

I waited WAY too long to take the plunge and try the elimination diet.. I have wasted much precious time.. and worry if it is too late now. as all that stress of being ill for all of those years have left me with a bad heart and many mineral deficiencies. . my advice just do it.. and then you know for sure..

Another thing I found helpful , this was when I was still eating the foods that lead to the nausea -- ie food sensitivities-- taking phosphatidy choline { still taking that one } and also glycine helped.

I would agree with magnesium helps bowel movements and vitamin c .. I still need a bit of both.. not nearly so much though since stopping eating those poisonous foods ...