I was thinking more today how my symptoms went in the past years.. Nausea , severe fatigue and air hunger were my first symptoms.. The nausea came on over night after antibiotics then some heavy duty drugs to kill parasites
The nausea was from gallbladder/ liver / candida/ all rolled into one. I did find treating candida made it a bit less, then doing chelating { I have high levels of lead which really affects the liver . DId you know that Beethoven died of stomach digestion problems?? They did an analysis of his hair and he had very high lead levels} Anyways after doing my first round on DMSA { which takes out lead } using the Andrew Cutler Frequent dose protocal , I was able to break down proteins for the first time in 30 years. I had given up on meat , chicken.. Now that is all I eat .. along with rice and a few vegis, butter and cashews.
I waited WAY too long to take the plunge and try the elimination diet.. I have wasted much precious time.. and worry if it is too late now. as all that stress of being ill for all of those years have left me with a bad heart and many mineral deficiencies. . my advice just do it.. and then you know for sure..
Another thing I found helpful , this was when I was still eating the foods that lead to the nausea -- ie food sensitivities-- taking phosphatidy choline { still taking that one } and also glycine helped.
I would agree with magnesium helps bowel movements and vitamin c .. I still need a bit of both.. not nearly so much though since stopping eating those poisonous foods ...