burning tongue...feels like acid in the mouth

A zombie

Senior Member
I've been battling a burning tongue for about a year.
My nutra eval test showed some bacteria markers but not crazy.I've suspected candida, but i'm not really sure.My tongue generally starts burning around 12pm, and by evening it's really bad. Feels like there is acid in my mouth...
I suspected SIBO too and i'm going to test. Anyone have this symptom??
I tried taking everything out of my diet to see if it was a food causing it an it didnt stop.No food makes it better or worse.
i'm so desperate for answers.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
I know that besides infection, VERY low B-12 stores can produce this condition. Have you noticed that your mouth's color is altered? Or does it look more or less the same, color-wise, as everyone else's? Check it out first thing in the morning before coffee or anything. Other nutritional deficiencies are possible as well; check mineral levels.

Second is damage to the nerves that control sense of taste.

If you respond all right to B-Vitamins (some here don't) then I might give it a go. Benfotiamine with B-12 might end up being helpful (as in Terry's Naturally Healthy Feet and Nerves), because it would help if the nutritional deficiency were the issue, AND formulas that contain Benfotiamine also help with nerve pain. If it works, you might never know which it was, but I doubt you care much about that at this point. Herbs that are reputed to help with nerve pain include St. John's Wort (Hypericum spp.) but be careful -- it's serotinergic which, again, some of us have trouble with.

Looking it up, it has its own special name: Burning Mouth Syndrome. Something I didn't think of that's really worth considering is that you may be having some kind of allergic or toxic reaction to the material in your dental caries (if you have any). This is mentioned on the mainstream medical site to which I linked you. Medication allergies can apparently cause this, which I never heard of until now. Can you link the time of onset to use of a new medication?

Finally, I also saw that it's associated with Sjorgen's Syndrome... which some of us have.

Not medical advice, not a doctor, just a suggestion (and a link!), follow any advice at your own risk, and start low and go slow if you do! :)

Good luck -- I can't imagine how awful that symptom must be.


Edit: How's your estrogen? Apparently it can be hormonal.


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Huh, they even have a name for your type:

Another classification of burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is based on symptoms, stratifying cases into 3 types, as follows:[1]

  • Type 1 burning mouth syndrome (BMS): Patients have no symptoms upon waking, with progression throughout the day.



Senior Member
I've been battling a burning tongue for about a year.
My nutra eval test showed some bacteria markers but not crazy.I've suspected candida, but i'm not really sure.My tongue generally starts burning around 12pm, and by evening it's really bad. Feels like there is acid in my mouth...
I suspected SIBO too and i'm going to test. Anyone have this symptom??
I tried taking everything out of my diet to see if it was a food causing it an it didnt stop.No food makes it better or worse.
i'm so desperate for answers.
I had a burning tongue a couple of years ago. It felt like I had scolded my tongue with hot liquid or food. I don't know how old you are but for me it was connected to the menopause. I haven't had it back for about a year now. I hope you find some answers, or it resolves itself.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
I've been battling a burning tongue for about a year.
I tried taking everything out of my diet to see if it was a food causing it an it didnt stop.No food makes it better or worse.
i'm so desperate for answers.

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I know how painful it can be. I hope what @JaimeS and @rosie26 wrote is of help and you find answers. Mine seems to be reactions to foods, medications, toothpastes, lotions and almost anything that has a scent to it. It started after early menopause.

I know that besides infection, VERY low B-12 stores can produce this condition. Have you noticed that your mouth's color is altered? Or does it look more or less the same, color-wise, as everyone else's? Check it out first thing in the morning before coffee or anything. Other nutritional deficiencies are possible as well; check mineral levels.

Second is damage to the nerves that control sense of taste.

If you respond all right to B-Vitamins (some here don't) then I might give it a go. Benfotiamine with B-12 might end up being helpful (as in Terry's Naturally Healthy Feet and Nerves), because it would help if the nutritional deficiency were the issue, AND formulas that contain Benfotiamine also help with nerve pain. If it works, you might never know which it was, but I doubt you care much about that at this point. Herbs that are reputed to help with nerve pain include St. John's Wort (Hypericum spp.) but be careful -- it's serotinergic which, again, some of us have trouble with.

Looking it up, it has its own special name: Burning Mouth Syndrome. Something I didn't think of that's really worth considering is that you may be having some kind of allergic or toxic reaction to the material in your dental caries (if you have any). This is mentioned on the mainstream medical site to which I linked you. Medication allergies can apparently cause this, which I never heard of until now. Can you link the time of onset to use of a new medication?

Finally, I also saw that it's associated with Sjorgen's Syndrome... which some of us have.

Not medical advice, not a doctor, just a suggestion (and a link!), follow any advice at your own risk, and start low and go slow if you do! :)

Good luck -- I can't imagine how awful that symptom must be.


Edit: How's your estrogen? Apparently it can be hormonal.

Thank you for writing all that. Very interesting. I'll have to check into those things.

I had a burning tongue a couple of years ago. It felt like I had scolded my tongue with hot liquid or food. I don't know how old you are but for me it was connected to the menopause. I haven't had it back for about a year now. I hope you find some answers, or it resolves itself.

@rosie26, hi. I went into menopause prematurely. My chemical sensitivity with angioedema reactions to it and burning tongue became a major issue for me after that. Very interesting this menopause connection, and also the possible role early menopause plays in ME/CFS. Did you do something to make your burning tongue go away or did it just subside on it's own?
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A zombie

Senior Member
hi all, thanks so much for your response.
Yes my tongue changes color throughout the day. I wake up and its very pale in color, its very pale in color now, at 1030a. It goes from pretty pale to a nice reddish/purple. I read on here last night it could be oxlates and i'm thinking right now this is what's going on. AS oxalates will drain you rB's and probably other vitamins and minerals. My amino acids are drained, everything in my body is drained and the scariest thing right now is i cant keep weight on. I look at myself an i don't know who i am anymore. It's scaring me, and the scariest part, i don't think a dr can help, it's jus the winging it trying so hard to find answers. And i see GOOD dr's i have lyme disease.
Just ordered seeking health b minus, which i use to take religiously but i stopped taking becuz i felt my gut was so leaky that i wasnt absorbing it. I also am ordering more hydroxycobalmin. And i'm going to try LOW Oxlates. Oxlates can be intertwined with candida. I'm not 100% sold i have candida. My tongue is NEVER coated looking , it just goes pale... i think my nutra eval b was low,
it's been a super depressing symptom as i've been trying to figure it out for a year now. I feel my breath is bad too , but that could just be how it tastes, like acidity???my hubs has never said it stinks but...
I'm so self conscience about it. I also don't know what to eat anymore. It seems eating high protein isn't good for me, i ate white rice over weekend and actually felt good. I think i need some of those carbs. I ran out of HCL so i think the meat i'm eating now it just going right through me. I'm done evermore weight this morning after loose stool.

A zombie

Senior Member
also just checked Nutra eval test and last year I showed a high need for cobalamin. My guess is my need is evermore now as i was taking it then. I'mont sur gif it' the oxlates that caused other systems to fail or if it's just i need way more B12 and other b's.


Senior Member
@rosie26, hi. I went into menopause prematurely. My chemical sensitivity with angioedema reactions to it and burning tongue became a major issue for me after that. Very interesting this menopause connection, and also the possible role early menopause plays in ME/CFS. Did you do something to make your burning tongue go away or did it just subside on it's own?
Hi @Jennifer J It was definitely the menopause that brought it on for me. It resolved on it's own eventually but it hung around for about 2 years. I did try some B12 but I wasn't taking it consistantly. The burning tongue resolved on it's own. I have other burning issues going on in other places in my body though. :rolleyes: It seems to have moved to another area - like my lungs and the skin on my back. I think I have developed allergic asthma over the last 12 months but I will say more on that on my menopause thread when I update it. Still trying to figure out my lung situation.

I haven't experienced the angioedema with the burning tongue. Hope things settle down for you soon.

I found this interesting about menopause - in case you haven't read it I'll do link to it.
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Senior Member
I feel my breath is bad too , but that could just be how it tastes, like acidity???
Yes, I found the burning tongue gave off an acrid taste in the mouth as well. Sounds very familiar. It is unpleasant and I remember hoping at the time that it wasn't going to be a permanent thing. I think you will find it will resolve eventually but it could take some time. But of course keep looking for answers until you feel comfortable that it is the burning mouth syndrome and not something else that needs medical attention.


Senior Member
My mother and I both struggled with this. We had B6 toxicity and B12 deficiency at the same time.... for mine? I found that I was having a reaction to some form of a gluten-free alternative grain... still not 100% sure which grain it is; but I was having the reaction before becoming gluten free when I had 7-grain crackers and occasionally when I eat some gluten-free alternative pastas (but it may be multiple different items as so far, I can't find a common ingrediant - but it's definitely something in them as I can induce the symptom by eating the thing that caused the burning tongue symptom).

Research 1st

Severe ME, POTS & MCAS.
I get this burning and other nasty sensations, especially after eating, one explanation is a condition called sensory neuropathy, possibly linked to an novel autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy, which I would call 'Severe ME'.

Definitely see if your 'deficient' in various vitamins and minerals first, before pumping yourself full of Lyrica. The other line of thought is, if you've been hugely deficient for years, such as Vitamin E, you've probably got irreversible damage anyway.

Sadly, that's the only quick fix treatment, that to be honest, probably won't work in ME CFS. A better treatment would be to find the actual autoimmune disease and to have immunotherapy, ironically, something like Rituximab. But this takes brain autoimmine research into POTS and CFS.... something the CDC won't fund.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
...I found that I was having a reaction to some form of a gluten-free alternative grain... still not 100% sure which grain it is; but I was having the reaction before becoming gluten free when I had 7-grain crackers and occasionally when I eat some gluten-free alternative pastas (but it may be multiple different items as so far, I can't find a common ingrediant - but it's definitely something in them as I can induce the symptom by eating the thing that caused the burning tongue symptom).

Hi, @PennyIA. I'm not sure if this will be of any help or not. I get the burning mouth and angioedema from xanthan gum and guar gum. Xanthan gum is added to a lot of gluten free foods. These days they are now adding it to all kinds of foods, shampoo, medicines.....

Xanthan gum can be derived from different sources so you might not react to xanthan gum in one item yet will in another. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xanthan_gum

I hope you find what is causing it in the food you eat.

Hi @Jennifer J ...I have other burning issues going on in other places in my body though. :rolleyes: It seems to have moved to another area - like my lungs and the skin on my back. I think I have developed allergic asthma over the last 12 months but I will say more on that on my menopause thread when I update it. Still trying to figure out my lung situation.

Hi, @rosie26. Sorry to hear that it's moved to your lungs and skin on your back. Owww. And that you may have developed allergic asthma. I hope you find some relief and a cure. Thank you for the thread, too! It's so helpful that you included it.:)