Burning Mouth Syndrome


Senior Member
How is everyone's burning tongue and mouths ? I am still getting mine off/on. Has anyone's finally gone yet ?


Senior Member
Mine is allergy - diet-based.... I haven't ruled out the culprits, but it's definitely tied to an 'alternative' grain. My gluten-free diet right now is just sans anything that would normally contain gluten (as opposed to eating pasta/bread made with alternative grains) and the burning mouth is completely gone. I'm just starting to explore very slowly testing new alternative grains again to determine if I can find the allergy(ies).


Senior Member
Interesting that it seems to be allergy related for you Penny. I hope those crackers aren't a great loss not to eat. I would hate to be allergic to Sushi, one of my favourite treats. :D
I am fairly sure mine is a perimenopausal symptom as it started when I started to have on/off again periods and hot flushes.


Senior Member
Interesting that it seems to be allergy related for you Penny. I hope those crackers aren't are great loss not to eat. I would hate to be allergic to Sushi, one of my favourite treats. :D
I am fairly sure mine is a perimenopausal symptom as it started when I started to have on/off again periods and hot flushes.

I would say for me it's a lot less but it does come back in a milder form. I believe mine also has perimenopausal causes because I can track other symptoms when it starts. So B vitamins and perimenopausal. I'm no longer worried about it :)


Senior Member
Yes and it started soon after having on and off periods and x3 turning into what I described an eggplant. I don't get hot flashes but I turned bright purple x3 back in March, it lasted around 40 minutes each time. It started with a tingling sensation in my head, my face turned purple and then my whole body including my toes turned purple. I didn't feel hot internally but my skin did and I looked quite scary. Thank goodness I was home when it happened!!


Senior Member
:D yes, your experience sounds like mine Mij. It points to hormonal changes for me too. I feel more satisfied now that I got that one sorted, I think ! :) thanks
I believe dopamine may play an important role in our BMS. I know that many of us are also dealing with excess serotonin.

Dopamine has been demonstrated to play a role in pain processing in multiple levels of the central nervous system including the spinal cord, periaqueductal gray (PAG), thalamus, basal ganglia, and cingulate cortex. Accordingly, decreased levels of dopamine have been associated with painful symptoms that frequently occur in Parkinson's disease. Abnormalities in dopaminergic neurotransmission have also been demonstrated in painful clinical conditions, including burning mouth syndrome,[34] fibromyalgia, and restless legs syndrome. In general, the analgesic capacity of dopamine occurs as a result of dopamine D2 receptor activation; however, exceptions to this exist in the PAG, in which dopamine D1 receptor activation attenuates pain presumably via activation of neurons involved in descending inhibition.[35] In addition, D1 receptor activation in the insular cortex appears to attenuate subsequent pain-related behavior



Senior Member
That's interesting.

I stumbled across some trials regarding burning mouth syndrome just last night and it looked like it was something to do with the neurological side of things. I must go back and try and find. I couldn't find the results last night I think they are still to write up or publish. The one I am talking about started in 2007 and I think just finished. Will have to check.
I have this off and on too. I'd had it for many years before I realized it was a "thing" and had a name, and that there might be anything I could do about it.

I think it is related to a vitamin/mineral deficiency of some kind, but I've never been able to pin down exactly what. I eat a lot of iron, zinc, and b-vitamin rich foods when it happens and it tends to go away. I take supplements of B12, folate, and the other B vitamins, and a little zinc, but the supplements alone are never enough to keep it at bay completely. ...Which makes me think it might be iron-related for me.
Have you tried Vitamin D and Magnesium together?


Senior Member
New Mexico
Non rashing shingles virus can cause burning mouth syndrome. Foods to stay away from during a flare are eggs, dairy, wheat. These foods can provide fuel for the virus.
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Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I'm having a lot of issues with my eyes and amongst all the medications the Optometrist prescribed was one that listed phenylmercuric acetate as an ingredient. Mercury!!!:eek:

He said it was the one that would help the most and I wanted to make sure I was following doctor's orders so I tried it but just a teeny-tiny amount and within 5 minutes my lips were tingling and my tongue felt like I had burnt it.

This makes me think mercury in the system and maybe something like methylation which could start a detox situation or something that overwhelms our immunity like an allergic reaction could be bringing the mercury to the forefront a bit and be causing this BMS.

My mom looked up info on mercury and medications and found that side effect on the list of issues it causes.

Needless to say, I'm not going to use that again.