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Brits, sign petition for UK gov't to apologise for its treatment of patients with ME


Senior Member
thats what i hope anyway. I have created a new e-petition on the UK governments website, here:


PLEASE, please, sign the petition and pass the word!!!

And if you need any further motivation to sign it, then dont forget the many people who have died of ME/CFS, either through illness, or taking their own life to stop the suffering. Suffering that could, and should have been lessened, or avoided. Check out this site for a list of such people.

Obviously only open to those living in the UK, or British ex-pats living abroad.



Off the fence
Signed and shared. Well written, Joel. May I ask that others take the opportunity to share on facebook?


Fine, thank you
Signed - thanks for setting this up.

I wondered if it might be a good idea to change the title of your thread to "Brits, sign petition for UK govt to apologise for its treatment of patients with ME/CFS" so that people will know there's an action to take?

I'm not sure if we can edit our own titles but if you liked the idea you could hit the black triangle underneath your post that says "Report Post" and message a moderator to make the change for you.


Senior Member
I just enjoy your comment GO NORWAY so much max and thoroughly agree. A personal friend set up everthing ME there many years ago (she has it) and now look what they have achieved.


Senior Member
I just enjoy your comment GO NORWAY so much max and thoroughly agree. A personal friend set up everthing ME there many years ago (she has it) and now look what they have achieved.

Specially for you :victory:Go Norway:victory:

Quick question

How does a trial involving only 30 patients make a government change its opinion (almost overnight) and issue an apology?


Senior Member
I've signed the petition.

The UK government has been so corrupt over ME that I can imagine them announcing a grant of millions of pounds to set up treatment centres and then cynically spending the money on fatigue clinics and psychiatric clinics for us instead.

Ooops, that's already happened :eek:


Senior Member
I don't expect the UK gov to say a word - even if every member of the British Olympic team came from ex ME patients, the UK government would never admit to it.

So,............. how does a trial involving 30 patients change the collective mind of the government, so quickly?

A symbol? How about "Go Norway" - flags all over Canada, I can see it now, and, on the obverse of the flag you could have "Justice has no expiry date"

I'm ranting again, apologies to all.


Senior Member
Somewhere near Glasgow, Scotland
Yeah the UK government is gawd damn evil (hence I want Scotland OUT of Westminster, sorry, not "scot vs english", it's utter contempt for a sick system)

The Westminster government has fought tooth and nail to deny compensation, admittance of guilt etc, for the nuclear, chemical and biological wepaon tests of the 1950s etc...deliberately waiting the victims out, letting them die, rather than issue a simple Mea Culpa and save a fortune on lawyers bills which are way more expensive than the compensaiton they'd have to pay out!

so, to admit they've rotuinely abused, tortured, falsley imprisoned, stolen the children from ME patients?! Fat chance.
oh and they stole children before as I've shown ("Restocking the British Empire with the White Race by stealing chidlren as breeding stock, especially from morally turpetudinal single mothers!"...ugh, ye gods, took 'em 60 years to apologize for that sick horror)

anyway, worth a try because, it's important for folk to show resistance, because if you do not speak out you connot complain when they do things you disagree with! :)


Senior Member
Are you kidding? Do you think the British Government will ever make a public apology for this after you tell us the extent they bent over backwards to deny you help for your suffering and suicides?

Okay, first, I'm trying to achieve something positive here. Positive things only get done with positive attitudes. Even in the face of negativity. There are plenty of others posts that are more suitable for airing negative views, which might well be relevant, but just arent helpful here on this post.

Second, it isnt just about getting the apology. If we get enough signatures then it likely gets debated at parliment and gets more public attention, increasing awareness. Regardless of the outcome.

Finally, as ME/CFS suffers, in the day of the internet, what we do here on this forum, and by arranging petitions like this, is create history. We get a voice for the future, that is heard by our grandchildren, and great grandchildren, and that teaches them about our plight and hopefully in the future they help avoid other groups like ours, falling prey to the same neglect.

So, please sign and spread the word, even if you feel negative because of the oppression you have/are suffering today.

Thank you.