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brian nicholson detained in psyschiatric unit with me cfs for 3 years


Senior Member
I will g8ve a full update as soon as possible but i know brian has been told he is treatment resistant and he has features of cfs. Me has been blown out of the window by an exter neurologist even though he still meets international criteria. Does anyone know how much the clozipene industry is worth he is at a hospital in exeter. Brian had help 8n torquay in 2011 when he was told his illness is central psychiatric disease. It all stems back to his initial detention in london in 2009 when they claimed his low sodium was due to polydips8a not the sodium renin system issue and kidney complexities involved with pots and me the insipidus issue. It has cost him his last few years of his life he his rarely allowed to carry water in case he gets told about his sodium issue. Does anyone have any idea of the ren8n system complexities and kidney in m.e.


Senior Member
Hello Bohemian,

Is Brian still at the Russell clinic? How is he now?

He had a comprehensive medical examination by Dr Hyde who diagnosed him with ME, although he has acquired addition diagnoses since which complicate the picture. Sadly, the psychiatrists did not recognise either his ME or his POTS and misattribute some of his clear ME signs and symptoms.


Senior Member
My post has vamooshed! Where is it? :confused: I will try again.......................

@bohemian is Brian still at the Russell Clinic? How is he?

Following a thorough medical examination by Dr Hyde Brian was given a diagnosis of ME but unfortunately his Devon psychiatrists do not recognise the illness. He has acquired further diagnoses since being incarcerated and I am aware that some of his clear ME symptoms were being misattributed. I can't imagine any local neurologist there would have any knowledge of the disease.

Edited to add: Now you have a double helping as the whooshed post has appeared again. This world is getting too complicated for me. :confused:
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Senior Member
I will g8ve a full update as soon as possible but i know brian has been told he is treatment resistant .

The ' treatment resistant' claim is worrying as an accurate translation of this is they are finding that they are unable to exorcise his ME symptoms with clozopine, the antipsychotic. I recall the Torbay psychiatrist telling Brian this. A curse on their socks for continuing to ignore his ME and POTs symptoms. There is nothing more dangerous in the medical profession than a combination of ignorance and arrogance combined with power over a vulnerable patient. There are so many examples of this. It makes me want to weep. Poor Brian!


Senior Member

I just read the above document by Dr Lenny Jason with my first cup of morning coffee and when I read this comment I thought of Brian, Karina and all the others who are facing such traumatic treatment by ignorant and arrogant psychiatrists ................

Rarely in the annals of recorded medicine has there been such a David and Goliath-like battle, with impaired and sick patients trying to defeat an entrenched medical and scientific establishment. Their story of resistance is not one of an epic skirmish, but rather a veritable war with health care professionals and scientists that has endured for decades, as has been so well documented by Hillary Johnson.


Senior Member


I just read the above document by Dr Lenny Jason with my first cup of morning coffee and when I read this comment I thought of Brian, Karina and all the others who are facing such traumatic treatment by ignorant and arrogant psychiatrists ................
I wanted to bring
Up the subject of political and corporate assination. Brian is speaking to his doctors and hopes to get the press and doctors. I wont say much more but the investigatory powers tribubial have been informed regarding unclassified technology over an m.e legal battle to destroy psychiatry with brians experience of health risks as a scientist
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Revolting Peasant
@bohemian. I'm tagging @MeSci, who I think may have had a similar sodium issue. I believe she was left untreated initially and was also accused of over drinking.

Very sorry to hear that things are no better for Brian.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I will g8ve a full update as soon as possible but i know brian has been told he is treatment resistant and he has features of cfs. Me has been blown out of the window by an exter neurologist even though he still meets international criteria. Does anyone know how much the clozipene industry is worth he is at a hospital in exeter. Brian had help 8n torquay in 2011 when he was told his illness is central psychiatric disease. It all stems back to his initial detention in london in 2009 when they claimed his low sodium was due to polydips8a not the sodium renin system issue and kidney complexities involved with pots and me the insipidus issue. It has cost him his last few years of his life he his rarely allowed to carry water in case he gets told about his sodium issue. Does anyone have any idea of the ren8n system complexities and kidney in m.e.

I too was accused of polydipsia repeatedly, and it is in my medical records, despite my asserting repeatedly that I am not polydipsic, and completing meticulous fluid charts on request. I had initially gone to the doctor because of polyuria, which is when the assumption of polydipsia began.

It turns out that what caused my hyponatraemia (low blood sodium) was almost-certainly the ACE inhibitor that I had been prescribed for hypertension a few months before my first episode of severe hyponatraemia, and upped to the maximum dose 10 days before it occurred. ACE inhibitors, by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme, increase the excretion of both sodium and fluid, yet no doctor made the connection. I finally did, 7 years later, by which time I had suffered another severe episode plus permanent damage to my teeth and a fracture (hyponatraemia increases the risk of fractures, and I suspect that it also causes dental damage).

I have posted quite a lot on this issue.

There is a condition sometimes called cerebral salt wasting, more correctly renal salt wasting, and people with ME do seem to be prone to low salt levels, perhaps through this. I have craved salt all my life, which leads me to suspect that I have had renal salt wasting most or all of my life, and the ACE inhibitor exacerbated this to a dangerous degree.


Senior Member
I too was accused of polydipsia repeatedly, and it is in my medical records, despite my asserting repeatedly that I am not polydipsic, and completing meticulous fluid charts on request. I had initially gone to the doctor because of polyuria, which is when the assumption of polydipsia began.

It turns out that what caused my hyponatraemia (low blood sodium) was almost-certainly the ACE inhibitor that I had been prescribed for hypertension a few months before my first episode of severe hyponatraemia, and upped to the maximum dose 10 days before it occurred. ACE inhibitors, by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme, increase the excretion of both sodium and fluid, yet no doctor made the connection. I finally did, 7 years later, by which time I had suffered another severe episode plus permanent damage to my teeth and a fracture (hyponatraemia increases the risk of fractures, and I suspect that it also causes dental damage).

I have posted quite a lot on this issue.

There is a condition sometimes called cerebral salt wasting, more correctly renal salt wasting, and people with ME do seem to be prone to low salt levels, perhaps through this. I have craved salt all my life, which leads me to suspect that I have had renal salt wasting most or all of my life, and the ACE inhibitor exacerbated this to a dangerous degree.
This is brisn speaking taken to haytor unit torquay again after i was about to be let out they are giving me clozipene again ssying they wont let me out unless i take this drug brian nicholson sectioned again for another 12 months i am tefusing to take the drugs tonight because i nearly collapsed due to this insursance doctor the nueropathy in legs and arms getting worse and nearly wet myself have no hope -hoping countrygirl can help again in formulating some form of big issue being sectioned for so long. Need help from all of you . Kind regards and hope brian


Senior Member
Does anyone know any good articles on mental health terrorism and medical law negligence and its relation to m.e.


Senior Member
Longshot: anyone feel like tweeting Simon ? Maybe for once he could do some good. (I 'm not on twitter).
Fours years is a long time to be institutionalised regardless of the diagnosis. Does Brian have someone, perhaps a family member, who could ask to speak to the head of the institution to discuss his case? I presume he has the right to a second opinion? Dr Nigel Speight or @charles shepherd may be able to suggest someone, and advise Brian of his patient rights.

Wishing Brian all the best.