Hi all, i thought i had written a post last night to let you know what had happened, but it seems i forgot to hit the 'post' button and its now lost.
Casualty was not a great place to spend half a day, but it was well worth it in the end. The doctor i saw was lovely, very kind and helpful - he wasnt impressed with my GP though - he couldn't believe that if my GP was that concerned he hadnt done anyhting about it, not even write me a letter to take with me.
The upshot was the most obvious explanation - i have a borderline pneumonia again! Normally i can always feel when i have a lung infection, but this time i think i am healthy enough that my body was trying to fight it off for me - i didnt even have a cough, although my lung had started to hurt again. The doctor did an X Ray and then compared it to one i had had the year before. luckily they had one to compare it with, as he explained that i have a lot of areas of shadow on that lung and he can only tell if i have an infection by comparing them.
Started staright away on antibiotics, refused the oral steroids, and feeling better today already. I had thought i was in a terrible M.E crash, but i was probably just battling this - also dont feel anywhere near as depressed today.
Thank you all for your concern and support. I think my GP was overwhelmed by the whole gamut of my symptoms and health problems and so didnt look at the obvious (although he did listen to my chest - but the ER doctor listened much longer and in more places) I didnt tell the ER doctor that i had M.E etc, just what the presenting symptom was, and so perhaps it was easier for him to not get bogged down in all the rest.
Occams razor and all that.
Take care all, Justy xx