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Breathing and brain

Berkshire UK
I went last Saturday for acupuncture. The lady has helped my Mum with back and leg pain. I knew there was a workshop on and had treatment from a man who was teaching my acupuncturist and others. My Mum had been treated by this chap and he uses discs as part of the treatment but no needles and held my wrist and I think moved his fingers occasionally, did feel one of my ears and my left hand.

After 30 mins it ended and I said was he diagnosing and he said no but doing "releases" which I thing meant acupuncture points inside the body somehow through pulse / wrist. He then said to conserve extra energy I would get!!!!! He also said to go back to reinforce the stuff he had done.

As soon as I left I started to get a headache but brain ache as well, the brain ache felt like my brain was pulsating. I then also the next day felt my lungs became heavy and sounds weird but seemed to be connected to my brain. I have suffered from horribly lungs and breathing plus ongoing brain inflammation feeling all week with my head throbbing but not headache just brain.

I'm going to write to the lady acupuncturist as breathing too bad to talk but am terrified to go back as the fear of being made worse.

I've never had 2 symptoms ongoing for so many days as it's normally a lucky dip on a daily basis of different symptoms but have been rendered bed bound as could not even sit up.

Has anybody any advice or similar experience. I'm doing mindfulness to try and calm and or ease the brain and lungs. Not a happy girl

Sally xx


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@Sallyagerharris please don't post the same thing with two different headings in two different forums.

Besides being against forum policy it will confuse people who want to help and may not get you all the responses you could get when things are spread Out like this.

Pick the best forum and post once there.. It'll work out better for you in the end.

My brain exploded trying to figure this out!
Berkshire UK
Apologies I did not know this but also could not find the best place as it covers 2 areas yet also seems to feel connected, hence wanting to know if anybody else had ever had the 2 same things which seem entirely different yet almost "feeding" off each other.

As I've had an exploding inflamed brain for now 6 days plus the breathlessness making it more than difficult to sleep I'm getting a bit desperate to say the least.



Senior Member
If you want to try to quell brain inflammation, you might consider some supplements known to reduce brain inflammation, such a turmeric (the kitchen spice) 1 level teaspoon twice a day. I used this myself for anti-brain inflammation purposes.

Drugs like ibuprofen also reduce brain inflammation.

One of the tricks I use when I feel some inflammatory feeling in my brain is yoga-type neck stretches, to ease out the tension in the neck muscles. This I think might improve brain blood flow; it seems to have some mild effect in reducing the inflammatory feeling.

Might be worth visiting your doctor if things don't improve.

In some ME/CFS treatments though, notably oxymatrine, you can have a period of 2 or 3 days were you feel worse before you get better.

Does kind of show that acupuncture can have a strong effect in ME/CFS.
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Senior Member
By the way, most people using this forum always look at the New Posts page, to see all the latest threads and posts that have been made. So your thread will be seen whichever sub-forum you created it in.

(The New Posts page can be seen by clicking the New Posts button at the top middle of this page).


Drugs like ibuprofen also reduce brain inflammation
I used to think iboprufen was best but doctor told me to use Aleve instead (for brain inflammation) I follow instructions when in a bad brain inflammation state.

@Sallyagerharris here is what I have learn: If it were me I do not do anything until inflammation goes down, In my case if I push when brain is so inflamed, I will loose consciousness and get paralyzed for hours. So I take Aleve every 6h per bottle direction (i forgot if it s 6 or 8h, whatever the bottle says) and as often as the bottle recommend. This for me will be 2 days or 3. Then I go back to base and you can do anything again. I am no doctor just my experience w brain inflammation, I know we all react differently. If you feel better at the end I would try to reduce time / intensity. and increment slowly. If I feel worse once inflammation goes down, I discount that treatment as bad for me.