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Breast Cancer: Looking for advice/recovery stories after mastectomy.

Hi all, I have high grade and widespread DCIS and LCIS (lucky in so far as found by accident and very early it seems) so having an SMX in a few weeks. I won't have reconstruction as not a good candidate due to other autoimmune issues (UCTD, neuro-Sjogrens etc.) and happy with that decision. If they don't find any invasive cancer then hopefully I won't need radio or chemo apparently.

I am pretty worried about my dysautonomia, especially my fluctuating blood presssure/temperature during and after the procedure and so worried about having a crash afterwards. Have just had a few great months (am moderate) but I can see the stress of it all is taking a toll now...

I take LDN and alpha lipoic acid and HBOT, dairy gluten free and very healthy diet (basically had no risk factors for the BC apart from 4 years of HRT). Any other suggestions on this front would be helpful too.

I just wondered if those you who had also been through this could share how you got on?


Senior Member
United Kingdom
My Mother had breast cancer and she had a partial mastectomy, preceded by radiation. I don't remember whether she had Chemo but I think she did. I learnt a lot about the effects on the body from what I saw from surgery. It depends upon how long you have before the surgery and how quickly you could treat. Correcting the ME and autoimmunity would give your body a better chance to fight the cancer and if done extremely quickly might allow you to avoid the surgery. It's not worth risking your life if you don't have the time to do it TBH.

The bowel function is a big factor in breast cancer because constipation can promote it by it's effect on the immune system function in the breast and lungs. Constipation can also promote heart disease. Inflammation is usually at the root of it all and eliminating that can allow the body to function more efficiently. If there are bowel impactions then you won't have time to fix that TBH but there are methods to promote cancer cell destruction by using a number of herbs and supplements. Vitamin E Succinate can promote cancer cell destruction and works well with other conventional treatments such as chemo. The human body has multiple methods to stop cancer cells and when each breaks down cancer can form. Restoring as much as possible can stop cancer. I cannot give too much on open forum because my ideas are so leading edge, including the real causes of ME which everyone else has missed. I worked it out in Jan 2014, worked out what promotes the susceptibility to COVID-19, it's got very little to do with genetics which was a really dumb idea IMO that scientists spent lots of money looking into.

I don't know whether you are able to PM being a new member but you could try if you are interested. I'm not selling anything or benefiting in any way. Your choice, I should be spending my time on my own issues re: Lyme TBH.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
This anesthesiologist has a lot of videos on what happens to a person's body under anesthesia. He also has a video on ME/CFS somewhere in the mix. I'm not sure how informed he is but maybe you could ask him if he knows how you might respond. VIDEO

Edit: Just realized that wasn't exactly what you were asking about. I'm sorry and I'm sorry you're going through all that. I hope they won't find any invasive cancer in your situation.

Edit #2: I didn't realize I didn't link it properly. I think I fixed it now. I also found one of his on Fibromyalgia and anesthesia HERE.
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