"Brain Map" worth doing? covered by Medicare


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I received an email from a doctor's office I had considered going to advertising brain mapping - "cognitive health assessment" - saying it was covered by Medicare.

Does anyone know anything about this and whether it would be worth having done?

From what I can tell, anything that shows up they treat with neurofeedback. This would not be feasible for me because they are close to 2 hours away. I could make the trip to have the testing done, but it would be too rough to go there regularly.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Thanks @jesse's mom - I just saw your post. About 15 years ago I did some neurofeedback sessions - and they were covered by insurance - but they didn't do anything for me, though I didn't do very many either.

But I'm wondering whether the "brain mapping" - whatever it consists of - might provide some useful information relative to ME/CFS. I supposed I should just call the doctor's office and ask what is brain mapping . . .


Senior Member
South east England
Just remembered something @Mary. Couple of years ago I read a book by a Doc called Norman Doidge. It was about ways people, with a range of problems could, 'Rewire' their brains. Or draw a new map in their brains. Very interesting and the science in it was fairly easy to understand. Suggest you check it and him out- some stuff on the net about him to. If you are able to make the trip for free help it might be worth it.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
@Mary, I would absolutely try brain mapping, especially since Medicare would pay for it. Information from the maps allow neurofeedback therapists to get incredibly precise with future treatments.

I have had a couple of brain maps, and the treatment afterwards did help my symptoms, and a follow-up map showed that many of the areas of dysfunction were resolved or improved.

If you have a map, be sure and wash your hair right away afterwards. Your scalp will be covered in goo.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
Just remembered something @Mary. Couple of years ago I read a book by a Doc called Norman Doidge. It was about ways people, with a range of problems could, 'Rewire' their brains. Or draw a new map in their brains. Very interesting and the science in it was fairly easy to understand. Suggest you check it and him out- some stuff on the net about him to. If you are able to make the trip for free help it might be worth it.
I read the same book! except I don't remember too much. I think you're right, the more information the better. It wouldn't hurt to do it, just the physical trip itself would be a bit rough, but I'd survive, I've done it before. thanks!

I have no idea what sort of technique they would use for the brain mapping, will have to call. I kind of don't think it would be an MRI, I can't imagine Medicare being willing to pay for that, but you never know --


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@Mary, I would absolutely try brain mapping, especially since Medicare would pay for it. Information from the maps allow neurofeedback therapists to get incredibly precise with future treatments.

I have had a couple of brain maps, and the treatment afterwards did help my symptoms, and a follow-up map showed that many of the areas of dysfunction were resolved or improved.

If you have a map, be sure and wash your hair right away afterwards. Your scalp will be covered in goo.
@perchance dreamer - how interesting! That's encouraging to hear that treatment helped you. Washing my hair afterwards - good to know, yes, absolutely! :nerd: