L-glutamine, and different forms of glutamate
Hi Garcia,
If you read the article in the link I provided a few posts back, I think you will find that the glutamate created from gluatamine (along with the GABA created which counteracts it's excitatory effects) is not the same glutamate that causes problems. At least that is what the article explains about half way down the page. The whole thing is worth reading though.
Either way, glutamine is the only reason I can eat food without doubling over in pain, or sleep at night without bile reflux burning my stomach until I scream, so I will continue to take it. I used undenatured whey for two years and it did nothing. I have not seen a whey product without glutamate in it either. Long term use of whey can injure the kidneys, so nothing is without risk. We are all different, and several of the specialists recommend glutamine, esp. those who focus on fixing leaky gut. It helps immunity in several ways, it helps the nitrogen problem, it helps raise our low growth hormone, it helps us heal after surgery, it helps gastritis, it heals leaky gut, calms IBS, and more.
If you take it and get brain fog, then you are converting too much to glutamate and should back off the dosage. That is how you can tell if there is a problem for you. That was my original point when someone first brought this up. CFSers are not taking the body building dosages that can do that anyway, or shouldn't be. From what you said, it sounds like you only need a small dose. Some people get great help from gluatmine at only 2 grams per day, about 1/2 tsp. daily. That much raises growth hormone over 400%!