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Brain fog headaches linked to sinus problems?

I have had problems with brain fog headaches for 15 years and wondered if anybody could help me understand what the mechanisms in causing this might be.

My main triggers are reading for more than 30mins or particularly listening to a podcast/ audiobook for a similar amount of time. I'm writing this post now because I've been getting it from listening to my girlfriend talk even for 5 mins sometimes which is pretty devastating. I'm more likely to get it if people talk very slowly or there is alot of other peripheral noise. I can talk fine without triggering this kind of headache most of the time.

It starts with a moderate pain about an inch about the point half way between my eyes. Then my sinuses in my forehead start to ache and the pressure and pain in my forehead and the bridge of nose start to ramp up. This is all happens pretty quickly and soon I will struggle to think clearly struggle to find words, read anything, I become extremely noise and light sensitive and feel awful if I'm even slightly sitting up. I'm also usually unable to sleep like this even though my thoughts are usually going extremely slow but if I do fall asleep before I've recovered I will wake up in the same state or usually worse.

The only way I can get rid of it is lie flat on my face in a dark room for 2-6 hours but sometimes it takes a couple of days to go. Sinus rinses can help speed up recovery and sugar brings momentary relief. Painkillers don't help.

Does anybody have a similar thing which happens so quickly, know what's going on or possible know whether it could be connected to something setting off sinus problems? I'm particularly interested to hear whether anybody has improved their brain fog by treating sinus problems. My doctor is uninterested.


Senior Member
Hi Aquila,

Unfortunately I don't have any advice, but I can share my experience.

This is one of my worst symptoms by far. The constant pressure and pain at the bridge of my nose and brain fog go hand in hand.

Unfortunately, I have tried treating it from a sinus standpoint with no success. I've seen an ENT, completed a CT scan, tried multiple different sprays, etc. I've had it excruciatingly bad, only to go to the ENT specialist and be told my sinuses are completely clear after undergoing a nasal endoscopy.

In my case I'm no longer certain it's a sinus origin, which means it may not be in your case either.
Hopefully someone here can be of more help.
Thanks for your reply Oberon. I'm sorry to hear you've had no luck in improving it. It's interesting to hear about your CT scan.

I think something triggers my sinuses to become inflamed because sinus rinses help and my face becomes visibly swollen but the trigger seems to be mental activity. I.e. reading or listening to audiobooks.

I don't know how mental activity can trigger sinus inflammation it seems weird. But I wonder if there's something wrong with my sinuses which make them particularly sensitive to inflammation


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Many have found that migraines are a part of their PEM. I get them and it is sometimes hard to separate them from sinus headaches as my guess is that the blood vessel involvement with migraines can affect the sinuses.
I have a very similar type of headache chronically 24/7 for over 4 years. I have pain from the nose bridge to "about an inch about the point half way between my eyes", this can be accompanied by pressure behind the eyes and my sinus below and above my eyes. No muccus.
For this I have seen an ENT, neurologist, eye specialist, neurological chiropractor, acupuncturist. I had a CT scan and MRI, but all came back clear. I got the feeling the neurologist didn't take me seriously as soon as I said "me/CFS".
I had short remission (90%) including a reduction of my headache symptoms, during a short holiday in which I swam every day in the sea, but I'm pretty sure the remission had already started before I went. So I've tried a rinse with salt water and iodine to no avail.
Tiger balm helps and I apply it every few hours.
I also used to have chronic migraines, but high dose B12 takes care of that.
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