Borrelia Miyamotoi Treatment

Hi has anyone actually had any improvements / success from taking Ceftazidim, Flagyl and Doxycycline (either IV or orally) for Borrelia Miyamotoi - as recommended by KDM?

@yabeeb have you found any information about it? I am wondering the same. I have been diagnosed with Borrelia Miyamotoi using phage and been prescribed the same by KDM.but I am just not sure about the test and I have been waiting to get some more information from others.


You may find some helpful information on the is thread:

Borrelia miyamotoi anyone?

This thread caught my eye because Dr. De Meirleir spoke yesterday at the IACFS/ME conference. I can't remember his exact statistics and don't have access to the recorded presentations yet but, according to his data, a high percentage of ME/CFS patients tested positive for B. miyamotoi via phage PCR (I think around 80%) compared to non-ME (I think around 20%).

Phage PCR is used because the presence of phage genetic material is apparently about 10x higher in blood compared to B. miyamotoi genetic material. The phage is allegedly specific only to B. miyamotoi.

When asked if he would expect his data to change depending on geographical location, he stated that the results are the same from multiple geological locations, which would indicate a vector or transmission beyond the deer tick.

He believes B. miyamotoi should be investigated as a cause of ME. He did not go into treatment in the talk.

Personally, I am not sure what to make of his data and am skeptical. I would want to validate the presence of the spirochete through some other method. Maybe someone here has done a deeper dive into research on this topic and the validity of phage testing for B. miyamotoi and borrelia spp in general.
@yabeeb have you found any information about it? I am wondering the same. I have been diagnosed with Borrelia Miyamotoi using phage and been prescribed the same by KDM.but I am just not sure about the test and I have been waiting to get some more information from others.
Hi there
Unfortunately I haven’t heard from anyone who’s undertaken the treatment. Personally I don’t want to pay for IV antibiotics as I’ve already spent so much already, so if I go ahead with the treatment, I will use oral antibiotics. When I asked KDM about oral antibiotics he said they won’t be as efficient as intravenous. I must have spent the best part of £15,000 on treatment so far, and I’ve already had IV. I’m better than I was but still feel knackered all the time. I’m skeptical about chucking more antibiotics down my throat and KDM’s communication is poor at the best of times, so don’t feel very supported in the process. I have made some good friends with other KDM patients and generally speaking we’ve improved but none of them are symptom-free. Sorry that probably doesn’t help much!
Hi there
Unfortunately I haven’t heard from anyone who’s undertaken the treatment. Personally I don’t want to pay for IV antibiotics as I’ve already spent so much already, so if I go ahead with the treatment, I will use oral antibiotics. When I asked KDM about oral antibiotics he said they won’t be as efficient as intravenous. I must have spent the best part of £15,000 on treatment so far, and I’ve already had IV. I’m better than I was but still feel knackered all the time. I’m skeptical about chucking more antibiotics down my throat and KDM’s communication is poor at the best of times, so don’t feel very supported in the process. I have made some good friends with other KDM patients and generally speaking we’ve improved but none of them are symptom-free. Sorry that probably doesn’t help much!
I checked the thread Shanti posted above and somebody said KDM prescribed to him Disulfiram without any antibiotics at all.

--Disulfiram 250mg , 2x 1 a day
--Serrapeptase, 500 mg , 2 x2 a day
--Lauricidin, 1/2 scoop 2x day
--oregano oil, 2 x 1/day

I am considering asking KDM this too, but still my situation is not extremely bad so I may just wait another year to see if there are some more news from others.