The million dollar question is has bone broth made anyone here better?
It will not make ANY difference!
Increased Intestinal Permeability Syndrome aka Leaky Gut is caused by a bacterial infection and no amount of Glutamine, various amino acids of any type but 4 d- forms will make any difference. The leaky gut is caused by a biofilm which replaces sections of the digestive mucosa and that allows incomplete/undigested food molecules to enter the bloodstream where the immune system reacts to them. The anti bodies then affect various sites where immune system control is weakest. Glutamine cannot heal because the bacteria prevent healing! While they exist the digest system cannot heal. I have beaten most of one of the biofilms, my digestive system permeability is severe and I have 5 biofilm infections. The section which was destroyed, by reduced colloidal silver healed up. None of the others were affected. I am now working on making my own colloidal silver, I received a replacement hotplate/stirrer earlier today and an order of some stuff that I needed such as large amber bottles and a few other bits and pieces that I needed. I did receive a hotplate/stirrer which will allow me to reduce ionic silver to turn it into particulate silver which is far more stable in the stomach. Over the weekend I intend doing some testing to see what works. These biofilms are highly resistant and very little can affect them. The biofilm which most affects energy was not affected with the colloidal silver that I purchased from Amazon. These infections are extremely common but it is only when they attack a certain location that it caused CFS. If it was a small distance along it would only cause autoimmune problems and not CFS. That could mean arthritis, asthma, eczema etc but not ME.
I once started bone broth soup after reading Gut and Psychology Syndrome and one day I added Xylitol to it. The next day I was so ill, throwing up stomach acid. It destroyed the biofilms and the brakes came off my stomach acid production or maybe my stomach tried to destroy the infection after the biofilm had been eliminated. As I mentioned, D-Tyrosine, D-Leucine, D-Tryptophan & D-Methionine are known to prevent biofilm formation and to trigger the break up of biofilms, especially when the biofilm is stressed by enzymes such as Interfase+. Stressing them with the enzymes causes the biofilm to take up the amino acids which then triggers a break up of the biofilm. Then hit them with as many anti bacterial substances as possible to destroy them. Be aware that the biofilm replaces sections of the stomach mucosa and when anything degrades the biofilm the permeability increases! That can make you feel very ill. When I used reduced colloidal silver late last year there was a sensation in my stomach but it was not too bad. No where near as bad as when I used Xylitol with the bone broth. I just slept when that happened. The change can be seen in my iris as there is no longer a black mark, only a very thin line in the centre which did not get destroyed. However it is now much smaller than it was, but I still have 4 other large markings ie 4 quite large biofilms. These are called Radii Solaris and are known to represent leaky gut. Radii Solaris only show when the infection is very large. Small infections do not show such markings.
So you see, Glutamine cannot not and will not solve leaky gut because it does not destroy the infection and the infection maintains the permeability because the permeability serves them as it leads to a release of histamine which sets up a feedback loop which benefits them. Glutamine will make you feel more tired! It has a sedating effect. Glycine is the same. L-Aspartic acid has a stimulating effect.