Bodybuilding type stuff


Senior Member
Vic, AU
My hopes indeed. My diet ranges from excellent to bad. Strangely, I find less muscle wasting on "crap" diet and more on good diet, but maybe I just need to let some junk clear out and allow a reset. A lot of it stems too from a recovery from what was in effect malnutrition induced weight loss five years ago. I ate so much coming out of that, and I am vigilant about keeping weight up, so to me, calories are more important than anything. And actually, my crap diet is not that bad in American terms, but for someone with affected health, I could do better.

It tends to take a fair bit of time to adjust to dietary changes, been probably 5-6 years for me now and still it is not perfect. Trick is to just add things slowly, like greens or vegie shakes, I remember when I first started chewing on raw spinach and chard it was almost intolerable, now I chow them down like a rabbit. I always think of the TJ Dillashaw shake when talking about this, excerpt from an article,

"Upon rising, Dillashaw prepares his training day with a smoothie to fuel his grueling A.M. workout. Created in his blender to give his body the nutrients it demands with the kind of training schedule he carries. This unique breakfast blend usually includes fresh kale, spinach, chard, celery, tomato, carrots, frozen berries, apple juice, chia seeds, banana, Earth Grown Nutrients, and most importantly hemp force protein. To sweeten the taste of his breakfast concoction he likes to add killer bee honey and or coconut oil. Dillashaw will take Vitamin C and Lysine, StrongBone & Joint, and some Krill Oil to wash down along with his breakfast smoothie."

With calories just depends on the source, you should really not waste at all if you are getting the right foods, protein sources and then even adding stuff like amino acids, fish oil and protein shakes. Just a matter of slowly making a good percentage of it all foods that will work for you in the long run, I find eating some garbage still necessary quite often though, especially ice cream, otherwise I can actually get quite run down emotionally.