Body-Mind Sensitivity = Vulnerability?


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I am eating DR.Mercolas breakfast now as I cant take supplements much. He grinds in the coffee grinder, flax, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds. This makes a nice breakfast with berries and coconut milk or whatever you want to add....yoghurt etc This would be loaded with Omega 3s and 6s fatty acids you dont need much and it is a quick breakfast...takes no time to make. Dont make ahead and store as I believe the nutrition in flax is gone in 20 mins once ground.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
electronic pollution?

Hi Victoria,

Computers, ah yes! Funny how our connection with the people and the info that we need comes through a medium that can mess with us. Rich Van K posted recently (on some thread!) about the effects of electromagnetic radiation. I have recently started seeing a doc who is a buddy of Dr. Mercola's and he showed me some convincing stuff about the negative effect of this electronic smog. I am now sitting here with a diode on my computer (which is now wired, not wireless), a diode on my cable modem, and a diode in my pocket.

I just made the (faint, faint) decision to give up my cordless phone (ever think about how the signal gets from the base to the handset?) and just ordered a good corded phone with a headset jack.

We'll see, but I am getting convinced that we are sensitive to this stuff and the more we can clean up our living space the better. The doc also said to unplug everything in your bedroom at night and if possible to throw the circuit breaker to the bedroom to.

With this illness, there are so many components that every little step we take that allows the body to self-heal counts.



work in progress
N. California
what kind of diode?

Hi Sushi--

I definitely feel the impact of being on the computer too much. :p:p:p As much as I love this forum, I think I'm going to have to start limiting my time to no more than 2 hours MAX each day. I feel VERY WIGGY after more than 2. :eek::p:confused::confused::p

I'm wondering what kind of diode you use and where you've gotten it? I've heard about them, but am skeptical that they really do anything. DO you notice a difference?


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Hey Dreambirdie,

I had a lot of different therapies with this doc the past week and I definitely feel better. I can't say for sure that I know whether the diodes are helping but when he did kinesiology testing with and without the diodes, I was hugely stronger with one in my pocket than without.

And yes, there are definitely diodes and diodes. Here is the brand he recommends. Somewhere in that site there are brain scans showing with and without diodes. My doc gets them wholesale and passes on the savings to patients--yeah!



[QUOTE:Victoria]I asked the same thing of Jody last week (she will vouch for this, I'm sure). I said something like, how unwell & out of sorts I was since getting this computer. I said the computer sitting on my dining table & all the books & papers on the floor was making me feel "lopsided" or "back to front". In fact, they were my very words - lopside & back to front. I need a room to be organised and in harmony. (Feng Shui is the Chinese name for it).

My life had gone out of balance.

It took a couple of days of coming home promptly at the end of the work day & spending 2 hours in my garden re-aligning my internal balance.

Now, once I finished looking up a reference in a book, I put it back in it's alloted space on my bookshelf and I've tidyed the piles of internet research (from years ago that I wanted to revisit since joining this Forum), but I still have a desperate desire to clear my dining table & put back the scented clove pomanders in their alloted space & the candle where it belongs on the centre of the table.

I want the "smell" or aroma of my flat to return to normal. When I walk in at the end of the day, I want my flat to "receive me" and "calm' me. I want my nest to nestle around me & envelope me in it's comforting atmosphere.

The objects of modern technology - the computer & scanner/printer disturb me, even now, as I type this post. The contant faint brrrr (or hum) sound of the computer remind me of my office & the air conditioning in my office which I hate. Mosts afternoons, the aircon stops for a minute or two & you're suddenly aware of how silent it is. It "sounds" wonderful.[/QUOTE]

I agree Vickie Can't wait til we get bio-organic computers.

sushi thx for the thread and the info on diodes. I now live in a very small town that is physically isolated, surrounded by small mountains and an ocean inlet. I had to leave a large city as just trying to process the visual and audio info wiped me out, for eg just driving a few blocks to try to get groceries would be my activity of the week, and often couldn't even complete the task - so many groceries left in stores, in the car (rotting) or on the apartment floor (rotting) once through the door.

I had left the city most weekends of my life - the more isolated it got, the more I was aware of the feeling of my cells getting calmer, a buzzy feeling receding. Has anyone else noticed this? I interpreted it in part as being away from the electromagnetics, tv, cell etc signals and whatever else causes a city to buzz. Now I can do more with my limited energy with there be amost no traffic, little visual info, I can park right up front, no line-ups at the cash......... But also think part of it is the reduction of "buzz":)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque


This is the one he recommended as a personal diode--in the pocket or in a pouch pinned to clothing--to be worn on the left side of the body:

And the one for computers is called appliance diode, but my doc said they are upgrading them now to protect against the newest technology--so I don't see these diodes on the site at the moment. If you are interested, they give a phone number under "contact us." You put the appliance diode near the power supply.



Senior Member
Salt Lake City
"Trial by illness" and "the shaman's choice" and other such words are often used trying to describe how some are more or less forced by circumstance into becoming a shaman. Many shaman in various places learn to use certain plants such as peyote, mushrooms, ayahuasca (a combination of DMT and an MAOI) for inducing various experiences including several varieties of death initiations. As many varieties of magic mushrooms exist, some dangerous and some psychedelic, and deadly interactions between an MAOI and many common OTC drugs one needs to be very careful and knowledgable. Terror at the threshold is relatively common if one has not been properly prepared and cleansed (years of work often, not a smudging or anything simple).

I was naturally hypersensitive from before the age of 2. While b12 deficiency may have been a factor, it is also the "connection vitamin" and enhances certain types of psychic experiences, presumably by making the nervous system work better.

I learned to feel chakras by noticing that I could feel heating pads and electric blankets.


I learned to feel chakras by noticing that I could feel heating pads and electric blankets.

Freddd, are you talking about feeling them when they are turned off, but still plugged in? I discovered that I had this ability quite by accident. About 10 years ago, I was about to get a massage and while talking to the therapist, I lightly touched the massage table and felt a charge. Turns out there was a table warmer under the sheets. It was plugged in, but was not turned on. After that, I took notice that I can sense electrical currents very easily - in humans, animals and machines.

I also have weird things happen with radio signals. Everyone else can walk past a radio with no problem, but when I do, the signal goes out - until I get far enough away and then it comes back in.

At least I've found a good use for my electro-sensitivities. After thousands of hours of touching humans in my massage therapy practice, I have learned to sense the slightest excitation in the peripheral nervous system. And that's how I know where to treat. This works in almost everyone except Fibromyalgia patients. I have assumed that the pain processing problem for them must be central sensitization, not peripheral.


Senior Member
Could you please tell us how Dr. Mercola helped you get well? I have been getting his newsletter for years. The one thing he helped me with was getting away from fish oil, which made my lipids and reflux worse, and onto Neptune Krill oil instead, which worked wonders. I can use all he help I can get, and anyone who has improved has my attention.....the floor is yours....

The main thing I learned from him that I had not read anywhere else was about the importance of Vit. D3. It was after reading what he had to say two years ago that I put 2 and 2 together.

I always had crashes in the fall that would worsen into the winter. Then come spring and summer I would improve. Thought it could be a D deficiency. And since starting on 6,000 IUs a day, most of my OI symptoms have gone. Only flare up if I am out of D and can't get more right away. In those situations, within 48 hrs of starting on it again and I am improving again.

Other than that, his suggestions about metabolism types, and that protein types need to stick with it and usually also need lots of good fats reinforced my determination to stay low carb as it helped immeasurably.

Ditto omega 3.

That is the main points that I can remember right now.:)


work in progress
N. California
Hi Jody--

I can concur about Mercola. He has great info on his site. I have learned so much from him, especially about the metabolic typing. Now I know that I too am a protein type and should avoid eating carbos most of the time.

The only thing that's helped me as much as Mercola is some of the WAPF info. (Weston A Price Foundation). I love my slow cooker and especially the bone broth! Actually, LOVE is not strong enough a word... :):):) ;)


Senior Member
Salt Lake City
Freddd, are you talking about feeling them when they are turned off, but still plugged in? I discovered that I had this ability quite by accident. About 10 years ago, I was about to get a massage and while talking to the therapist, I lightly touched the massage table and felt a charge. Turns out there was a table warmer under the sheets. It was plugged in, but was not turned on. After that, I took notice that I can sense electrical currents very easily - in humans, animals and machines.

I also have weird things happen with radio signals. Everyone else can walk past a radio with no problem, but when I do, the signal goes out - until I get far enough away and then it comes back in.

At least I've found a good use for my electro-sensitivities. After thousands of hours of touching humans in my massage therapy practice, I have learned to sense the slightest excitation in the peripheral nervous system. And that's how I know where to treat. This works in almost everyone except Fibromyalgia patients. I have assumed that the pain processing problem for them must be central sensitization, not peripheral.

Hi Kim,

are you talking about feeling them when they are turned off, but still plugged in?

Only when turned on, or at least when current is flowing through them. Waterbed heater too. It got outright annoying. At the end of my wagterbed I only used the heater to keep it at 75 degrees. However, my flotation tank has to be 93.5 degrees and the heater is an annoying feeling.

When I was perhaps 10 years old I started noticing the feeling when the electric blanket turned on and off. I found that I could feel certain areas of the body in a similar way. Those areas turned out to be the chakras. When I was older I would want to feel the chakras of the girls I went out with. I didn't know the word "chakra" at that time. Some of them thought I was a little strange. I was really good at connecting heart chakras and giving them a powerful experience with a long hug.

After thousands of hours of touching humans in my massage therapy practice, I have learned to sense the slightest excitation in the peripheral nervous system. And that's how I know where to treat. This works in almost everyone except Fibromyalgia patients. I have assumed that the pain processing problem for them must be central sensitization, not peripheral.

Can you explain that more, about FMS patients. I'm not clear on what you are saying.

I had one massage therapist, a very sensitive woman, who found it too painful for her to work on me.


Senior Member
Hi Jody--

I can concur about Mercola. He has great info on his site. I have learned so much from him, especially about the metabolic typing. Now I know that I too am a protein type and should avoid eating carbos most of the time.

The only thing that's helped me as much as Mercola is some of the WAPF info. (Weston A Price Foundation). I love my slow cooker and especially the bone broth! Actually, LOVE is not strong enough a word... :):):) ;)


Us protein types need to know about this stuff. Eating "normally" works for many people and that's good for them. But there are a lot of protein people who don't know that they are eating things that are bad for them. We just can't eat the same as the Carb Eaters or we are gonna end up really, really sick.


Can you explain that more, about FMS patients. I'm not clear on what you are saying. I had one massage therapist, a very sensitive woman, who found it too painful for her to work on me.

In people with "typical" musculoskeletal pain (be it acute or chronic) there are changes in the tissue (and in the peripheral nerves that supply the tissue) that are palpable. I can quickly zero in on very discreet, precise locations where their pain is focused/perceived. In bodies with FM, the tissue (and the peripheral nerves) "feel" normal. I never know if I am touching a tender point or how much discomfort my meddling is causing. My treatment is guided by my palpation findings. If I can feel what's wrong/changed/different, then I can give physical suggestions to the system to initiate change. Without any discernable problem, there is no way for me to know how/what to treat.

The explanation for the difference between the pain that "healthy" people experience vs. the pain that FM patients experience may be due to central sensitization at the level of the spinal cord &/or brain. "It's all in your head" may not be entirely incorrect.

I'm curious about your experience with the massage therapist who found it too painful to work on you. Was this when you were very ill?



Us protein types need to know about this stuff. Eating "normally" works for many people and that's good for them. But there are a lot of protein people who don't know that they are eating things that are bad for them. We just can't eat the same as the Carb Eaters or we are gonna end up really, really sick.

Jody, in your experience, is carbohydrate intolerance a common symptom of CFS?