[QUOTE:Victoria]I asked the same thing of Jody last week (she will vouch for this, I'm sure). I said something like, how unwell & out of sorts I was since getting this computer. I said the computer sitting on my dining table & all the books & papers on the floor was making me feel "lopsided" or "back to front". In fact, they were my very words - lopside & back to front. I need a room to be organised and in harmony. (Feng Shui is the Chinese name for it).
My life had gone out of balance.
It took a couple of days of coming home promptly at the end of the work day & spending 2 hours in my garden re-aligning my internal balance.
Now, once I finished looking up a reference in a book, I put it back in it's alloted space on my bookshelf and I've tidyed the piles of internet research (from years ago that I wanted to revisit since joining this Forum), but I still have a desperate desire to clear my dining table & put back the scented clove pomanders in their alloted space & the candle where it belongs on the centre of the table.
I want the "smell" or aroma of my flat to return to normal. When I walk in at the end of the day, I want my flat to "receive me" and "calm' me. I want my nest to nestle around me & envelope me in it's comforting atmosphere.
The objects of modern technology - the computer & scanner/printer disturb me, even now, as I type this post. The contant faint brrrr (or hum) sound of the computer remind me of my office & the air conditioning in my office which I hate. Mosts afternoons, the aircon stops for a minute or two & you're suddenly aware of how silent it is. It "sounds" wonderful.[/QUOTE]
I agree Vickie Can't wait til we get bio-organic computers.
sushi thx for the thread and the info on diodes. I now live in a very small town that is physically isolated, surrounded by small mountains and an ocean inlet. I had to leave a large city as just trying to process the visual and audio info wiped me out, for eg just driving a few blocks to try to get groceries would be my activity of the week, and often couldn't even complete the task - so many groceries left in stores, in the car (rotting) or on the apartment floor (rotting) once through the door.
I had left the city most weekends of my life - the more isolated it got, the more I was aware of the feeling of my cells getting calmer, a buzzy feeling receding. Has anyone else noticed this? I interpreted it in part as being away from the electromagnetics, tv, cell etc signals and whatever else causes a city to buzz. Now I can do more with my limited energy with there be amost no traffic, little visual info, I can park right up front, no line-ups at the cash......... But also think part of it is the reduction of "buzz"